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ended up dropping $500 on the bike.

new battery

new carb body/rebuilt carb/jetting

carb accessories

little bit of clutch work.


more than i wanted to spend, less than it could have been.

stoked to find that all the stuff i did, the electrical etc, was all good.


now it just needs to warm the fuck up. im totally over riding in cold ass weather.

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no where near done, but bars and headlights are on and it works again.

got the carb rebuilt and rejetted. runs so much better now, real stoked.

still cant exactly get comfortable in riding position. not sure what i need to adjust, but ill figure it out eventually.

toying with the idea of a solo saddle bag. threw on a small bag i had just to try it out. blah.


now im trying to find a jacket i like. why shit all so expensive? damnson.

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seeks, im gonna call it out like this


1=uncomfortable riding position, seat to small?, bars to far forward, or


depending on how tall you are= legs are to bunched up around ears=persay


2=jacket=get a heavy ass leather one=not that gay ass icon faggot shit=one made from pigskin.


3= sissy bar is workin


4= you've come along way baby



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1. 6'3" on a sporster, do the math. the forwards look almost like mids. without hardtailing it, i think im always gonna have issues with how it fits. its not awful right now or anything, but it's also not where i want it to be. im gonna tilt the bars forward a little more, stretch myself out a bit, see how that goes.


2. i live in georgia. it was 55 today. i was looking at fox creek, but i think those are even too thick. it stays mid 90's for 5 months out of the year, something that breathes like a wool coat dipped in concrete isnt gonna fly. considering a schott perfecto. if you're gonna get a black motorcycle jacket, might as well get 'the' BMJ. no homo.


3. thanks, i wasnt sure how i felt about the sissy bar. eventually ill completely fab up something myself, but for the time being, i think its alright considering i chopped it up and welded it all myself.


4. still a ways to go, but i'm learning.

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I think it's off to a killer start. It's not totally flowing yet but it's getting there.



I avoid looking like a motorcyclist so i keep the protection to kevlar under garments. My textile jacket saved me at 140 mph, i'd say they're pretty good. Only beef with mine was that it rode up when i unconsciously slid along the asphalt so i've got a couple scars on my back and ribs. Nothing major, but you could probably avoid all that with a fewtabs hooking the jacket to the belt. Some jackets come with it, others might need a tailor.




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i dont really look like a motorcycle guy, even when wearing a jacket, so im not too concerned.


its not at all flowing like id like either. i hate the seat. not sure what to do though. im thinking maybe a real simple lepera? any advice?


i was worried the giant headlight might be too big, but i really like it on there.

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Soup... been using that Pinlock insert for a year now and it's amazing. Especially here where it's rainy and cold seven months out of the year.


Haven't cleaned my bike in five months... looks like it was dipped in a muck and grime bath.


Got to see one of these up close last week :




Well, obviously not that one, but the street legal version. Damn nice in person.

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