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Tight is used as an adverb following verbs that denote a process of closure or constriction, as squeeze, shut, close, tie, and hold. In this use it is subtly distinct from the adverb tightly. Tight denotes the state resulting from the process, whereas tightly denotes the manner of its application. As such, tight is more appropriate when the focus is on a state that endures for some time after the activity has ended. The sentence She closed up the house tight suggests preparation for an impending blizzard. By the same token, it is more natural to say The windows were frozen tight than The windows were frozen tightly, since in this case the tightness of the seal is not likely to be the result of the manner in which the windows were frozen. With a few verbs tight is used idiomatically as an intensive and is the only possible form: sleep tight; sit tight. Tight can be used only following the verb: The house was shut tight (not tight shut).

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) Of clothing; Close fitting to the point of discomfort.

2) Of anything in general; Almost too small to fit something through.

3) Slang; Stylish

4) Slang; Not very generous

5) British slang; Mean or cruel (see also: Shady) 1) "Christ, these jeans are way too tight."

2) "It was a tight squeeze, but I managed to get my car through his window."

3) "Man, that shit is TIGHT!"

4) "She is such a tight bitch with her money."

5) "Danny, stop kicking that rabbit, it's well tight."

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I have. It's pretty tough, but it's certainly possible.


I Installed Slackinosh on a G4 Graphite and a G3 Powerbook. I had videocard issues (no Xwindows, therefore no desktop) with the G4, but that was mostly due to the fact that Radeon has practically no OpenGL support. The OpenGLinstaller script in Slackintosh was no good for the most part, through no fault of theirs...I tried using the Mac drivers, still no luck. Hmmm. Also, partitioning the HD was a total bitch, but I think I can find the script I wrote for that somewhere. In the end, I got it installed, but had no desktop. It would have made a fine CLI-based server, except that's not what I was aiming for.


So, I moved on. The Powerbook had the same video issues at first, but the video script cleared that right up. However, I ran into problems with networking because the wireless card I was using wasn't supported. I tried plugging straight into the router, but it still didn't work because somehow eth0 never got set up right and after a couple hours of trying to wrench on that, I finally gave up and decided it was time to install a really stripped down version of Tiger.


So, sure. You can do it, but it's sort of hard. I've never messed with Fedora on x86, but I do like SuSe a lot. I just didn't want to wait two days for it to download.


Yellow Dog is supposed to be THE PowerPC distro to use, from what I hear. Well-supported, up to date and fairly easy to install. You might want to check into that instead of SuSe, since the newest version of SuSe for PPC was pretty old.


Ubuntu support for PPC is a joke. It hasn't been updated since 2005...which sucks, because they're the only LiveCD with Xwindows for PPC that I found.


So, I'd say go with Yellow Dog, or get a copy of Tiger and strip out everything that you don't need. There's plenty of freeware out there that does a better job than the bundled stuff Apple installs for you. All I ran was Adium and Vidalia, and while it was slow it worked fine. it was stable as a rock...I think I only rebooted it once in the three months I used it.


Good luck. I'll look for the partitioning script and post it here when I find it.


Thanks for the info. A friend mentioned Yellow Dog, but didn't say anything about compatibility.


It'll be a few days before I dig into the machine; I'm waiting on a few SCSI drives and a PowerDomain 29160 I copped off eBay a few days ago..

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Just do a lot of research before you do anything. See what works and what doesn't.


What are you going to do with this machine? It's not going to be blazing fast...but, it would be a good file/mailserver.


I'm looking for the script to do the partitioning right now....

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ANNNNNNNNND....I think I deleted it. Sorry.


Look up "yaboot" and "macdisk" on Google. There's some weird thing you have to do to get the machine to boot....you need a boot partition that OF will recognize, so you have to allocate the sectors on the bootdrive within certain parameters.


Once I figured it out, it made sense...I wish I could tell you exactly how I did it, but I think I just pretty much gave you a big lead on how it's done right there.

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I'm primarily a PC user and I've never owned a Mac, so I figured I'd give them a test drive without plunking down the money for a new one. But it's also a hobby of hording older computers and finding uses for them. For now it's going to be guinea pig while I throw whatever I can at it.


And the SCSI setup didn't seem like a bad idea because I was able to cop everything for a cheap price, especially the Adaptec PowerDomain card. Those are hard to find for cheap, but I scooped mine up for $23. And I still find SCSI to be a pretty reliable and solid interface, though old and somewhat uneconomical.


Down the road I may keep it as an FTP or web server. Otherwise I might just flip it for a little bit more if it still has some value.

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That's pretty good, casek. BTW, you sent me a PM that I didn't quite understand the other day, so I would like to talk to you about it.


Ferris- I have a lot of experience with Linux on x86 machines (in fact, I'm using Linux to post this right now), so I thought PPC Linux would be easy. It wasn't, but then again I DID install Slackware on my G3 and get it up and running. My suggestion is that you do all your research in advance and make sure the hardware you have is supported.


I'd recommend Yellow Dog for ease of use and Slackware if you really know what you're doing. However, if you don't know what you're doing and choose to take the Slackware route, it will be a learning experience, to say the least.

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i asked this a few pages back, never checked to see if got answered (i know, i know) and now i can't find it to see if there was an answer.


i dl'ed some iso files and my trial version of undisker ran out a while back.


suggestions or are there any free alternative programs i can use?


if anything pm me.


thanks again in advance.

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okay this isn't exactly tech support-


how is the content on facebook's news feeds determined? if it is truly a random spectrum of what ALL my friends are doing, how does my ex girlfriend always have more than her fair share of space on that thing?


just out of curiousity, because this girl i've just recently started talking to is now popping up all over it, and i don't even look at other people's profiles, and i was inclined to think that it was people looking at mines.


mayor 'asks useless questions' menino.

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Alright guys, here i am again. This just started happening the past week, and i haven't been able to think of anything that i altered that could have caused this. So here's the symptoms:


-More often then not, my firefox CPU usage will spike to 35-50 for no good reason at all, causing the whole laptop to be sluggish.

-Thought it might be an exploited svchost.exe process (happened before) so i killed the one using the most RAM. That seemed to make FF's CPU usage drop back to its norm.

-Scanned with AVG free but got nothing.

-Decided to install Ad-Aware and try scanning with that, but after rebooting my PC i get an error when trying to start AdAware, caused by Windows not being able to start its service.

-When trying to start its service via Run>services.msc, it gives me error 1053.

-Searched the PC for "svchost.exe" and only got the legit one in system32.


Side notes:


-When i started typing this up, the spike was there, but has since subsided. Not sure why.

-I recently had to manually start my Windows Audio service for some odd reason in order to hear any sound from the web/pidgin. My guess is it was because i fucked something when i killed a vital svchost by accident.


Oh, and:


Windows XP SP2, latest updates.

Dell Inspiron 9100 laptop.


Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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i know the answer to this. But I can't seem to remember it off the top of my head so I'm going to say...it has something to do with your memory space in FF.


If it has to swap it out to the pagefile, it will spike your CPU usage, so you want to set the allocated RAM to something that your computer can handle.

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