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you will need a firewall windows firewall sucks all it has more holes in then swiss cheese


go and download the top rated firewall Comodo Firewall



i got this and it told me to uninstall any third party forewalls before installing comodo.

sorry, but would that include the windows vista firewall?

and where do i go to uninstall it i checked in the uninstall thing in the control panal and didnt see it.


sorry if this is a dumb question but thanks in advance

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you will need a firewall windows firewall sucks all it has more holes in then swiss cheese


go and download the top rated firewall Comodo Firewall



i got this and it told me to uninstall any third party forewalls before installing comodo.

sorry, but would that include the windows vista firewall?

and where do i go to uninstall it i checked in the uninstall thing in the control panal and didnt see it.


sorry if this is a dumb question but thanks in advance


no, it will turn it off for you.

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OK couple questions.

I just got a routerso my brother can get his laptop connected. It is a D-Link wireless router, DI 524, and since I set it up (my comp is still hardwired to it thru ethernet) it appears to have blocked my utorrent from working.


Also, everytime i choose shutdown thru windows, my computer actually restarts. Any reason for this, or every time i reboot it says my system has recovered from a serious error.


Over the past week, i have scanned my computer with everything I have (avast, asquared, AVG spyware, windows defender, spybot) then ran a few other programs (Tuneup utilities, ccleaner, PC doctor) and have defraged my HD, but have no idea why this error keeps coming up. Oh and i did a system restore to the start of the month too.


If this keeps up, I'm just going to use my recovery console to start afresh.

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open your port for utorrent.

do that through

or whatever your routers number is.




or just go to portforward.com


as for the restarting: open your comp

and check cable connections, etc.


clean the dust while you're in there...

unplug, alcohol paper towels. light on the alcohol.


turn off the puter before checking connections and

cleaning dust bunnies.


update your routers firmware, too.

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I got fucked up today i opened up a jammed laser printer the toner cartridge clip was broke so i went to get it unjammed lifted the toner cartridge ( by the way i had just installed a BRAND NEW setup19in lcd monitor/dell power edge server mouse keyboard/handheld scanner and another printer of the same kind) so as i was saying i lifted up the cartridgeand BLAM!!!!!!!!!! all this toner fucking went everywhere i was blacker then a charcoal biscuit and covered all the new equipment it was a very pretty mess

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I've had my imac for almost 2 years now, and its running pretty slow.


I was told that you don't have to reboot macs to get them up to speed like you do PC's.




Or I just fucked mine up.


Anyone here with a Mac know how to tune it up nice?


I never had to restart it before.


Now its once a day.


Any ideas?


I feel like I have hundreds of programs I dont use any more and 100s of partially downloaded torrents.


That and I hid like 10 gigs of pr0n with a 3rd party program and have no idea what proggie it was or what i named the file.

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I never had to restart it before.


Now its once a day.


Any ideas?


I feel like I have hundreds of programs I dont use any more and 100s of partially downloaded torrents.


That and I hid like 10 gigs of pr0n with a 3rd party program and have no idea what proggie it was or what i named the file.




get rid of some shit, man. that could be a big thing. i'm not too up on macs, seffiks might be able to help you out more.

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i need help with stopping motherfucking comcast from blocking by torrent downloads, Im using uTorrent 1.7.5 and none of the downloads are even getting started, I read about all these ways to bypass it but I need a better explination/solution



we just talked about this mello http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=105575&page=323[url=http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=105575&page=323][/url]


but to some it up ( you are screwed ) find a new ISP

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why you say nah?? i posted the same thing you did


and again Comcast is the 2nd largest ISP they have pretty much everything thing you can think of blocked ( to all normal users)




get utorrent /go to pref/ select protocol encryption/ ( use higher port numbers like 65410 or anything in the 60000 - 65535 range


use the TOR or onion routers which i just posted to get around also



but.............. bit shaping changes all the time and sense comcast is very big, that they prolly got these tricks blocked yer best bet is to change providers
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