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Just what's standard with IE7.


With FF, I have AdBlock with Filterset.G. It doesn't seem to make a difference if I disable it, though.


I also have Norton and ZoneAlarm (free edition) and AVG (free edition) running.


ok, two things first: get rid of norton antivirus. avg will protect you. you're just slowing your shit down with norton. not to mention wasting money subscribing.


also: ditch zonealarm for comodo firewall (free).


see if that fixes it.


if you have quicktime installed, replace it with "quicktime alternative"


http://www.free-codecs.com will hook you up with that. also replace realplayer with real alternative.

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I have a macbook and have recently installed leopard. Since doing so, the signal from my wireless router is dropping out constantly. On a possibly related topic, I haven't been able to secure my wireless network. When I try and go to the ip address provided in the instructions to set it up, the website won't accept the username and password for some reason.

Plz advise.

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ok so i usually don't ask for help because I can pretty much sort things out but....

I am trying to jailbreak an ipod touch

I followed the instructions carefully, and now it DOESNT WANT TO BOOT

i tried it before and it worked, on a diff ipod.


I did the same procedure on this other ipod and its been trying to install 1.1.3 for 3 hours now

it resets after 30 mins or so, and then i cannot get it out of boot mode, (the apple only appears)

So what should I do? I think i am going to wait for the battery to die and hopefully it will boot up normally


I tried everything, holding both buttons down and nothing,



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Hey everyone,


I just wanted to offer my services in here if ever needed.


I've been in the field of Ipod modding/"hacking" the last few months and am here to help you if you ever need it in the fields of Ipodlinux, Rockbox, or Jailbreaking your Iphone or Ipod Touch.


I know there's not a huge demand but keep me in mind if you ever need help.



I don't come in here much (this thread) but PM me should a question arise.


here PM him he will help you out

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I pm'd you back. I don't know how long "a long time" was for the boot up for you but if it was only a few minutes you might have jumped the gun.


The problem with the 1.1.3 jailbreak is that it installs a huge (by comparison) flash image into your memory. I think it's like nearly 200 mb. (You only have 300mb to begin with. This is not your memory/storage you see when connected to Itunes...your "xx" gb available.)


That's why when you start, they tell you to turn off the autolock. Mine sat in what looked like a frozen state for over a half hour once while loading a file that size.




Once you get it running again, I'd advise using Bosstools to relocate some of your things such as fonts, etc. because you'll have very little space for the better 3rd party apps.


You can try this as well:

Connect your ipod to iTunes, and try holding the home and sleep buttons until the ipod restarts, then as soon as the screen goes black, let go of the sleep button. From there you can restore your ipod.


I just thought of this also...


What version of iTunes are you running? Some of the newer ones above 7.5 have "bug fixes" which disable oktoprep as far as I've heard. I jaibroke mine before these updates so I can't confirm nor deny but you might want to downgrade your iTunes and see if that works.



Last but not least, it might have to do with that .jar file you loaded in through SSH. 1.1.3 sets up its folders to run differently in the sense that most files ran from "/root" in previous firmwares where a lot run from "private/root" now or something along those lines. Which means your .jar file might be trying to load the wrong directory.


Have you tried to SSH back into it even though its frozen?








Hit me back through pm if none of this helps.

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it has been on the reboot mode for a day now, I left it all night on thinking it would work... nothing

I tried doing the restore with itunes on, but its not even detecting the ipod..


I can turn if off (not with slide, but holding the buttons for a long time)but once the screen turns black with the apple logo that is basically it.


I tried doing the HSS, with WinSCP but it doesnt work,


I think im going to have to send it to apple.. but will they know that the firmware was

fucked with? I can no longer return it to the store since it has been more than a month..

what do you recommend I do?




edit- when the ipod resets (after 30 mins or so) there is this quick flash and then resets..

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EDIt- it worked, thank you ipod master bonjales i am forever in debt.. :)


what i did was hold the sleep button+home, (unplugged from pc)

then as soon as it booted up I plugged it back while holding home....


THANK YOU SIR ^^^PROPs well deserved..

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i keep getting a pop up that says virtual memory low how do you fix that



sorry yer question got buried


1. Click Start, right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.

2. In the System Properties dialog box, click the Advanced tab.

3. In the Performance pane, click Settings.

4. In the Performance Options dialog box, click the Advanced tab.

5. In the Virtual memory pane, click Change.

6. Change the Initial size value and the Maximum size value to a higher value, click Set, and then click OK.

7. Click OK to close the Performance Options dialog box, and then click OK to close the System Properties dialog box.




also you seem the type of person that has norton running on yer computer ( remove it and get Avast! its free for a awhile then you can buy it pretty cheap its way better then the resource hog norton also check for anything else that is taking up system resources


open task manager and check the memory usage ( if you got this error all of a sudden without adding any new programs then you got alot of malware/adware/spyware whatever you want to call it





last but not least buy some more RAM and install it


go through newegg.com for the cheaper prices

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It's a question, but not pertaining to a problem.

I just scooped up an Apple G4 dual 450MHz PPC the other day.


Has anyone here used Linux on a PowerPC platform before? I downloaded the Fedora distribution. I'll probably grab SuSE as well. But I want to know if any of you tried..



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It's a question, but not pertaining to a problem.

I just scooped up an Apple G4 dual 450MHz PPC the other day.


Has anyone here used Linux on a PowerPC platform before? I downloaded the Fedora distribution. I'll probably grab SuSE as well. But I want to know if any of you tried..


I have. It's pretty tough, but it's certainly possible.


I Installed Slackinosh on a G4 Graphite and a G3 Powerbook. I had videocard issues (no Xwindows, therefore no desktop) with the G4, but that was mostly due to the fact that Radeon has practically no OpenGL support. The OpenGLinstaller script in Slackintosh was no good for the most part, through no fault of theirs...I tried using the Mac drivers, still no luck. Hmmm. Also, partitioning the HD was a total bitch, but I think I can find the script I wrote for that somewhere. In the end, I got it installed, but had no desktop. It would have made a fine CLI-based server, except that's not what I was aiming for.


So, I moved on. The Powerbook had the same video issues at first, but the video script cleared that right up. However, I ran into problems with networking because the wireless card I was using wasn't supported. I tried plugging straight into the router, but it still didn't work because somehow eth0 never got set up right and after a couple hours of trying to wrench on that, I finally gave up and decided it was time to install a really stripped down version of Tiger.


So, sure. You can do it, but it's sort of hard. I've never messed with Fedora on x86, but I do like SuSe a lot. I just didn't want to wait two days for it to download.


Yellow Dog is supposed to be THE PowerPC distro to use, from what I hear. Well-supported, up to date and fairly easy to install. You might want to check into that instead of SuSe, since the newest version of SuSe for PPC was pretty old.


Ubuntu support for PPC is a joke. It hasn't been updated since 2005...which sucks, because they're the only LiveCD with Xwindows for PPC that I found.


So, I'd say go with Yellow Dog, or get a copy of Tiger and strip out everything that you don't need. There's plenty of freeware out there that does a better job than the bundled stuff Apple installs for you. All I ran was Adium and Vidalia, and while it was slow it worked fine. it was stable as a rock...I think I only rebooted it once in the three months I used it.


Good luck. I'll look for the partitioning script and post it here when I find it.

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