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Dude, your Dell just freaking blew up!!!


As I sit here typing I'm reminded of what happened at roughly 4 p.m. Central Standard time at my office (about an hour ago); especially since my hands still smell like 'fire extinguisher'. While specifying instrumentation tag names on a flow drawing my attention is turned towards the haze building up on the other side of the engineering area. I started hearing some distant prattle about “fire”, “hmmm... what could this possibly be?” I think to myself. Upon further investigation I've come to the conclusion that someone's Dell laptop just freakin blew up and started a cozy little desktop fire!!!


Since I’m not in the mood for S’mores... "Oh, this is priceless" I think to myself; as I turn straight back to my desk where, from within my back-pack, I whip out my 7.2MP digital camera.


One of our IT guys put out the flames (yes, I said flames) and thusly covered the entire area with fire extinguisher ‘material’. The battery burned its way straight through the laptop creating the beautiful hole with which is so beautifully depicted in the picture. The fire department showed up. The police department showed up. The entire lower floor was allowed to leave early and as we stood there in front of the building we simply couldn’t resist... we jokingly called the engineer a terrorist as he was being asked a few questions by the friendly officer.


The most priceless moment of this entire ordeal is something that I, with regret, do not have a picture of. While taking pictures through the haze (after everyone had evacuated the area and before the fire department came to kick us out), the engineer who’s laptop it was had been spotted out of the corner of my eye. Apparently he heard there was a fire and that we all had to go outside. Being the noble engineer that he is, he quickly wanted to grab his laptop!!! HAHAHA The look on his face, as he stretched out his arms in disbelief was priceless!!! Again, I’m sorry I didn’t get a picture of that... I was laughing too damn hard! (I was only able to get a picture of him walking away, as I was intermittently laughing and coughing at the same time)


Here are a few pictures, please enjoy them as much as the Dell representatives and the AWESOME crew over at THG surely will when I send them the link.



The Automation Engineer who had to go home early! Sad

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Guest spectr

ok ever since shai halud came over my house drunk and touched my computer its been acting stranger then usual.

there are no viruses or anything like that. the hdd is working fine and the i just reinstalled a clean version of xp. but it still acts strange.

it will crash on loading programs about half the time.

it thinks my modem hasn't been installed when i try to use the internet about 1/3 of the time.

random programs open without me touching them...

oh and firefox hates me when i am on the internet?

so anyone know how to un-shai my computer?

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sounds to me like a format c: problem


have fun



How To Format using the Recovery Console


format drive : /Q /FS:file-system


Use the above command (where /Q performs a quick format of the drive, drive is the drive letter of the partition to format /FS:file-system specifies the type of file system to use [FAT, FAT32, or NTFS]) to format the specified drive to the specified file system. For example the following quick formats C partition as NTFS


the following will do a full format of C as FAT32


*** Note: If a file system is not specified, then the existing file system format is retained.


Type EXIT to quit the Recovery Console and restart your Computer

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Guest spectr

no must not format i don't have a cd burner and can't lost some of the things on this hdd

i think my xp install is just fucked somewhere....

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well you do not need a cd burner you just need a cd reader



here well then use the recovery console and repair it




i really do not feel like writing it all out so here use the link above its a step by step w/ pictures

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