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Bill O'Riley on letterman


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trust me, just read it....



"The late-night program hosted by David Letterman is the toughest interview show on television.


That's because Mr. Letterman is a smart guy who can spot a phony with telescopic accuracy and expects his guests to bring something to the table. If a guest begins to sink on this show, the bottom is a long way down.


A big part of doing well on the Letterman show is the audience. A guest not only has to win over the host, but also the people who are sitting a few yards away. It is not a tough crowd, most are happy to be seeing Dave in person, but they are listening. And you better have something to say.


Because of the success of my book, I was booked on the Letterman program. As I walked on stage to begin my segment, I knew what I was going to talk about. But I had no idea how an audience looking for entertainment would receive my thesis of rampant government corruption.


If you watch my television program "The O'Reilly Factor," you know that it is often an intense discussion of political and hot-button social issues. But there is no studio audience. The cheering or booing comes in the form of overnight television ratings.


Thank God, and I mean that literally, the audience seemed to be as fed up as I am with incident after incident of dubious behavior by our leaders in Washington. I was able to joke with Mr. Letterman about a very serious subject -- that the powerful in D.C. protect each other, and that government corruption is out of control. The audience seemed to be with me.


This is a change, I think. All during the Lewinsky scandal we had a deeply divided country. Half of us were outraged that a sitting president would diminish his office by having sex with an intern in the office and then boldly lie about it. The other half of Americans resented the intrusion into somebody's sex life no matter where the actual action took place, and were willing to excuse the president for lying about sex.


But now with these sleazy pardons and the general "forget you" attitude of the Clintons, a drastic mood shift seems to have occurred. The audience at the “Letterman Show� had to be all over the place as far as ideology is concerned. They were just everyday folks who got tickets that night. But I received some big applause when I zeroed in on the Clintons calling them "The Dukes of Hazard" among other pleasantries.


I also got applause when I criticized President Bush for failing to show concern over the pardoning of a major cocaine dealer and a fugitive. The crowd seemed to be just as annoyed with the "let's move on" philosophy as they are with the tawdry conduct of the Clintons.


I believe that finally fair-minded Americans who care about their country are coming to the realization that there is something very wrong in Washington, D.C. Some of the people to whom we are entrusting power are abusing that power, and our investigative agencies like the FBI are often MIA.


There is no way on this earth that the Marc Rich pardon should not be the subject of intense FBI scrutiny. When Denise Rich took the Fifth Amendment and Mr. Clinton's lawyer, David Kendall, refused a congressional request to hand over a list of donors to the Clinton Library Fund, all of our leaders in Washington should have hit the ceiling. If a fugitive living in Switzerland funneled money through his ex-wife into an account Bill Clinton has unlimited access to -- well, Houston, we have a problem.


But President Bush wants to "move on" and let the press ferret it all out. The press? The American media is now responsible for keeping politicians honest? Come on, Mr. President, many press people make the Clintons look like Mother Teresa.


Earth to Bush, it is the Justice Department's mandate to investigate public corruption. That's why we have a Justice Department -- to seek justice. OK? U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White is investigating the Marc Rich case, but who's investigating the cocaine dealer pardon in L.A.? Nobody, that's who. And why is the FBI on the sidelines?


President Bush and all of us should be demanding full disclosure about these pardons, and all the other dubious stuff like overseas campaign money, Chinese espionage, FBI spying and on and on. As I told David Letterman, we need to start holding our leaders accountable for what they do. The audience applauded. I've never heard a sweeter sound."


Bill O'Riley, feb 27th, 2001.



kinda hillarious when you look at it in hindsight. everything he's complaining about clinton for doing are all accusations being leveled (and proven) about bush, yet he (o'riley) is now taking the exact stand he slams clinton for. someone should skull fuck him.


for those that didnt see it (or hear about it).


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I will always regard people who buy into the Fox News guide lines on political thought as my inferiors...there is plenty of good libertarian literature out there if you want it, or if you're into vlaues you can watch the 700 club and get the real scoop (pssst: Satan placed those fossils there to confuse us) - but people that somehow connect cutting funding for the poor, war, spying on "thy neighbor", cutting assistance to the elderly and so much more with Christian or atleast American values - you can get your spin, swinging...



"Earth to Bush, it is the Justice Department's mandate to investigate public corruption. That's why we have a Justice Department -- to seek justice."

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Originally posted by BURLAP@Jan 12 2006, 05:37 PM

^not o'really..o'reilly is the one that doesn't respect other people's opinions and views on a regular, consistently dickheaded basis.

yeah i know but you cant beat a fuckwit like o'reilly by using the same baseless style of argument that he uses. need to logically and coherantly shut the mutherfucker down

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Originally posted by Herbivore@Jan 10 2006, 10:49 AM

That Clinton jab is hilarious coming from the guy who was accused of sexual harrassment by his co-worker(s).



My favorite part of that whole debacle isn't actually the sexual harrassment stuff, which is pretty funny... but... I love it that he also told that woman employee and her friend that Al Franken was gonna 'get his' from some of O'Reily's powerful friends... He said something like 'People are looking at him closely and somebody was gonna visit him. One day soon, Al Franken is gonna open his front door and his whole world is gonna be changed forever.'


I'll try to find it...

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Yeah, that's where I figured I'd seen it, and that's where I found it...


O'Reilly on Frankenstein


He'll be sorry dude... You'll ALL BE SORRY AHAHAHAHAHAHaha...ha..ah..Ahem...

Next on the Factor... more of Bill's delusions and perversions!


(buy stock in Google, their protecting your rights! Or holding out for the highest bidder, either way, you'll win... well... sorta)

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Whats sad is that organizations like the Black Panthers and other militant human rights organizations don't really exist anymore. They added a balance to the force. Can you imagine Bill O'Reilleys chubby white self talking shit about Huey? I don't think the Black Panthers would have done anything because their aggression was overblown, but it had peopple that needed to be scared SHOOK...

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