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discussion on the nature of the creator of the heavens and earth


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I think that saying there are reasons a creator created something, doesn't leave that much room for finding outside information. example being that if humans always just took religion as the final say so, we wouldn't be where we are today. Furthermore, humans existed and developed before there was religion, and they did it using scientific reasoning about the world around them, not religious speculation. And it is a broad statement, because there are a broad amount of religions, all yelling from saop boxes that they are the only one true religion. That means 99% are wrong. And the one percent answers the why did this creator "create" usquestion, with answers that when broken down basically say,.................................. because.

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I saw your picture, you don't look like Rabbi material. Maybe in 20 years.

ha, rabbis come in all shapes and sizes. you got to start somewhere. the gnarly beard comes later.


but yeh, im not going to be a rabbi...just a good jew.

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it would be Lolzrageous if rabbis hung out in graffiti forums.....


haha. thats a ridiculous thought...

on a sort of related thought there is atleast one master sergeant who hangs out on 12 oz... i know there are a couple e5s, e4s, and me, but msg... thats up there.

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Just curious...




Have any atheists here actually made any Christians/Jews/Muslims believe there isn't a god? and vice versa. The reason I ask this is because theres all this debating, but no one is changing there mind.


its never been my intention to convince someone there is no god or creator.

i've played part in a few people leaving organized religion to a "searching" agnostic mindset...

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Oh that argument has been played out several times over. pretty much, anyone who does not realize that their own truth means jack shit beyond themselves is fucked.




My truth is your falsehood. My exuberance its your criterion of malpractice. Etc.



Ethics are not a question of rationality, they are a question of history.

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O you who believe! Keep your duty to Allâh and fear Him, and speak (always) the truth.

He will direct you to do righteous good deeds and will forgive you your sins. And whosoever obeys Allâh and His Messenger (SAW) he has indeed achieved a great achievement (i.e. he will be saved from the Hell-fire and made to enter Paradise). (Al-Ahzab 33:71)

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you who vote by religion. (you who voted for bush)

stand behind him, no matter how many times he is shown to do wrong, lie, cheat, steal, whatever it may be.

support him and he will ensure you tax breaks

and save you from jail time though your crimes deserve it



thats kinda what i got outta that little passage.

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Figured I'd throw this in the mix among the many black and whites here...


04-28-2007, 12:24 PM

My best friend who is an Christian intellectual (a weird definition, but he actually cares and reads and has been published) tells me I'm agnostic. He is certainly a better representation of a religion that seeks to save people, not force their views in the same manner that people here often do. Your definition is on point aside from one aspect he and I accept - it is the reluctance to commit to an idea, but the hope that it might be true. Agnostics are just as honest as religious people in that they have pondered the idea, but can't lie to themselves, friends, or a God about what they believe. I'd rather the world be "confused" and open to new ideas rather than a sense that we all took sides out of fear in the face of rational analysis.
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you who vote by religion. (you who voted for bush)

stand behind him, no matter how many times he is shown to do wrong, lie, cheat, steal, whatever it may be.

support him and he will ensure you tax breaks

and save you from jail time though your crimes deserve it



thats kinda what i got outta that little passage.


wow, it's an amazing thing...the brain is.



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My best friend who is an Christian intellectual (a weird definition, but he actually cares and reads and has been published) tells me I'm agnostic. He is certainly a better representation of a religion that seeks to save people, not force their views in the same manner that people here often do. Your definition is on point aside from one aspect he and I accept - it is the reluctance to commit to an idea, but the hope that it might be true. Agnostics are just as honest as religious people in that they have pondered the idea, but can't lie to themselves, friends, or a God about what they believe. I'd rather the world be "confused" and open to new ideas rather than a sense that we all took sides out of fear in the face of rational analysis.


04-28-2007, 12:24 PM



With all due respect. Has it ever occurred to you that some people due to certain life experiences/ knowledge or what have you may have a level of certainty concerning the existance of God?

I mean...I know I can't show you God and just end the mystery, but I can't show you air either but we see it's effects. I can't show you the people who built the pyramids in Egypt, but as sure as the sun is shining, they're there in Giza, Egypt. Have you ever seen the builders? Do you believe they existed? When I accepted Islam it wasn't out of fear. It based on a lot of different elements. Fear of making the wrong choice may have been part of it, but I can't say that I worship/ beleive in God based solely on fear.

Fear is part of it, yes...fear of being punished for my own wrongdoings, but there's also Love and Hope. Loving God for all of the countless blessings and favors. Hoping for his mercy and goodness.

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Even the idea of infinity is finite.Saying infinity is something is giving it a definate border as to what it is.The same goes for the number zero.It is nothing yet has a definate mold for what nothing is.That being said that god is finite it proves the very essence of all bibles wrong, that god is all.There is more than god.I believe in god but i believe there is more than just god.There has to be.I am just angry that all these churches are buisness' and that susposedly are trying to help and heal all the people in thier congregation yet very rarely do anything that actually helps them.

I believe in prayer but i think what you pray about,and how you pray is very important.

You must not nessecarily ask for things in prayer.A buddhist sends peace out in prayer and that peace comes back two fold.I think having a religon with definate constrictive laws goes against nature and is wrong.Nothing is permanent in nature so why should religous law be permanent?

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ok, taking your own argument.



you are saying it has a beginning and an end? what is beyond it? by the very means you choose to confine the idea of the infinite if revolts and says there is something else necessarily there beyond the boundary you set. thus creating another space. another space to be bounded and then broken through again.



it is counting.

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saying the word god is giving it a mold in which it is something, even if it represents everything, language cannot define infinty.Only in some other way of thinking that is unimaginable as of right now, you cannot purely define infinity.It would have to be described in a way beyond thoughts and words, a way that we cannot yet imagine.


"by the very means you choose to confine the idea of the infinite it revolts and says there is something else necessarily there beyond the boundary you set."

By saying that you are defining a set law as to what infinity is.It can not be spoken of. Language can not describe infinity.

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Im saying god has a beginning and an ending the crooked.

The bible says it never ends and never begins.


I can't get with either of those statements. If God begins and ends, then what is before and beyond God? It doesn't befit his majesty that something precedes and outlives God. I don't think the bible said that, but I'm nit a defender of the bible anyway, so...


God says in the quran, the meaning of "He doesn't give birth, nor was he given birth to."

There is nothing before God and nothing after him. He always was and always will be.

He is not in is creation, he is seperate from the creation and when he decrees a thing he just says "be" and it is.


Those are statements that are more befitting to the lordship of the creator.

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actually we can see air.



and we also know that people existed in egypt at the time the pyramids were built because of




Ok, you got me, there Chief. God still exists.I'm going to give you a little laymans breakdown on a verse from the quran



The mutual rivalry for piling up of worldly things diverts you,

(meaning ya'll niggas is hatin' on this nigga and that nigga for stackin' chips, and you too busy running around gettin' that cheese, son)

Until you visit the graves (i.e. till you die). (At-Takathur 102:2)

(until you take a dirt nap)


Nay! You shall come to know! (At-Takathur 102:3)

(Nah, nigga, you bout to know, son)


Again, Nay! You shall come to know! (At-Takathur 102:4)

(I'm trying to tell your punk ass, you bout to know, son)

Nay! If you knew with a sure knowledge (the end result of piling up, you would not have occupied yourselves in worldly things) (At-Takathur 102:5)

(If you weren't so weeded and twisted off that E&J, you would've known that 22" inch rims, gold teeth and frontin' at the club is a waste of your life....ain't no future in frontin', homie.")

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"He doesn't give birth, nor was he given birth to."


this could mean a birth, such as a human birth...


"There is nothing before God and nothing after him. He always was and always will be.

He is not in is creation, he is seperate from the creation and when he decrees a thing he just says "be" and it is."


When we say "nothing", it still has shape.Even nothing is something, such as the number zero.

Therefore thats what was before god and after god.

We cannot speak of nothing and have it defined purely, for the moment we say the word it is given shape as something with physical or non-physical properties.It IS just an idea yes, but even an idea is something.




The main argument for god is the universe cannot come from nothing, so,

how can god come from something we can describe and/or imagine?


This duality is the confusing question,and the only way for humans to make defined sense of it is to give it a metaphor.Heaven and hell,good and bad, yin and yang.


dawood have you listened to or read about joseph campbells teachings of myth and folklore?

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