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Originally posted by 26SidedCube@Oct 31 2004, 07:56 PM

Ban this fucking mongoloid right now. It's bad enough her and her little crew of cronies are the reason motosoul is a joke, please don't let them infiltrate this place.


Seriously seeking, please?


Ban??? are you kidding me ?

that needs to go into a hall of fame thread for fuckin idiots

that was the most nonsenceical gibberish i ever had the mifourtune or reading and its fuckin great

Rikku for president

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Yeah kiddo, I'm sorry. You weren't supposed to see that exchange.


Sometimes when 'big people' talk they speak in terms you can't quite grasp yet, but don't sweat it you'll understand when you're older. In the meantime go back to thinking I care when you try to insult me, I'm not going to sit back and try to argue with the rabble, you're a joke. Plain and simple. I will not be responding to anything you have to say from here on, you do not matter.


Ban white trash in the '04. Save '05 and beyond.

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man...forties over domes, cutting throats, catterpillar mustaches, judelaw, side busting, crack overdoses, tattoo shops that turn out really good even though some snobs dont want to do it and just talk shit or try to get money out of it for some reason unknown, talking shit in spanish, self promo, poop...


i love this thread!


this goes out to being horrible and some girl letting you draw all over her!



that is all!!

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honestly, i'm about to regulate this whole thread. cats in detroit have always had a problem with focusing on the 'short term'...emcees pretend like anyone cares about the '313', writers pretend that having tags at the market makes them 'up'. i have friends all over the country who randomly check into this thread to see whats up with detroit, and this is the stuff they're greated with. i've been in nyc all weekend, making excuses to a dozen people, trying to convince them that it's not really the way it looks on here. unfortunately it pretty much is. i've always questioned why detroit needs its own thread to begin with, now i realize it's to make kids from other cities go 'god damn, i'd kill for the spots you guys are wasting'.


anyway, the 'moral' of this story is that if folks want to have 'beef', then go ahead, but keep it off of here. everyone in this city is seperated by no more than 1 person, you don't need the internet. if you want to share some educated (or even uneducated) views on the city, go ahead, it's good for cats to take a look at themselves, but try to keep it intelligent or atleast constructive.


i'm not trying to play mr. know it all, but i am playing mr. been around long enough to know that we dont need to be represented like this.

ok, thats all. flight time.



seeks/i hate wiggers as well.

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word to your mother oral this be lowfis!!! to squash the beef ive got a boxing ring that you guys could scrap it out real proper no bottles no knifes just fist and gloves everyone puts on a hard ass front and that way this shit will say who is a real hardass!!!!!!! we aint playin,fo sho

TOXSICK ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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(These messages have been brought to you by the fine people at "Grandpa Seeking International".. "Our hips still work but our ticker could go at any minute")


Kidding.. Good speech..


On another note.. Why in the sam hell would you even attempt to defend this city? Everyone knows the scenes a joke and everyones choosey as fuck when it comes to spots because of the incredible amounts of bullshit.. Come on now.., Theres no reason to go all out like that.. We all know it was "super Sweet" back in the day when you guys all "rocked shit" at the market..


Those times are come and gone now bro..



"Every waking day brings a new light and a new dawn"

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Originally posted by seeking@Nov 1 2004, 10:06 AM

it's to make kids from other cities go 'god damn, i'd kill for the spots you guys are wasting'.

Yeah, seriously. Dozens of abandoned, chill-as-fuck buildings with tons of wall space...Not to metion NOTHING gets buffed as far as bombing goes...I hate you fuckers, go paint. :burn:

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that piece (painted in july or august) is absolutely horrible. the sketch was good, but i ran out of paint and was rushing it, not to mention getting high as hell from fumes.


i haven't completely abandoned that sort of stuff, just dont have much occasion to paint it (nor much urge). im kind of working my way backwards towards some more 'dynamic' shit as of lately though. more movement and motion, while still being pretty simple. im really happy with it, so thats all that matters.

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haha. that wawa shit was awesome. that night there was a whole squad of us rolling around just destroying shit. me and hesh (not sure if you've seen by him) wrecked the front of some bougie ass apartments. obscene amounts of damage.

so then we're at wawa, hesh is all drunk, walks in, fills up his arms with stuff, and just walks out the door laughing. the clerk didn't even know what to do. just stood there dumbfounded. meanwhile im standing outside catching etch tags. i had one on the bus stop right next to that too. infact, i had a lot of etch shit in philly. i had a lot of the bus stops locked for a minute. a lot of MONSTER stuff.

i loved philly. that park right near there was the shit. spent so many nights in there just getting retarded.



oh well.

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