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Issac Brock

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we done had our next army. his name is elmer. closest this city has seen since army. I was just stating,

that other than a fad, with cliques like high school, graffiti is just an opinion. myself, I love handstyles

and well put hollows and throws over burners anyday. hood ass spots. getting chased by cops. that's

just me. but at the same time, I say art fag, I mean just that. if you're a photographer, and have

never had the feeling of being chased by cops, shot at, ran from jackers, had to deal with d boys,

and all the other shit that comes with bombing hood spots, than you have no fucking opinion.

for years I talked shit, and I had no say. I was just a "dickrider" that only painted chill spots and

flicked this city top to bottom. well now for the last couple 2-3 years Ive been in the streets, Ive

got to experience and be a part of it. so I could really give a fuck what a photographer thinks.

and from my peers, I know 90 percent of yall hate what I/WE do. that's fine. you aint gotta like it.

but we're out there just like any other writer, doing the same got damn thing, for the cats that do

appreciate grimy, shitty graf. and if you dont like it, state it if you're a writer, just remember to go

fuck yourself because my crew and I are going to continue to do what we have been doing the last

3 years, having fun, getting hated on by niggas we could give a fuck less about, and destroying shit.

fuck yall. peace.

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I agree wit both of you ^^^^


Artfag to me is going to school first takin a art class learnin how to do this and that and what color goes with what, then decides he wants to be a writer now. Then proceeds to hit chill spot after chill spot,wit the fancy paint they get grom grants for "art projects"


niggas from the hood do what they know/can till they get fresh!,


one mans trash is anothers treasure,we all know that!


there will never be another Army

but as far as ups,style and street spot swag I agree its Elmer


theres more msk flavor on the streets then it is locals old or new. Evertbody talkin but aint no spots being takin back? Aint nobody doin shit,Not on some beef shit ,but just to let niggas know detroit is active!!


and I wont front like I dont admire their shit... Rime for the win!

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<-art fag. By the looks of it, those dudes know something about about color theory, and other design principles. Whether or they learned it in school or in the streets, I don't know, but they learned it. (I'd guess school) You CAN figure that shit out over the course of years using trial and error, 2 minutes at a time with each grimey throwie, or you can pick up a fucking book, or spend your weekends at a chill spot pushing yourself and learning how to paint burners. Some dudes are into throwies, some burners, it's all an opinion. It IS fun as hell to go out and just wreck shit– huge blaster cap tags, curse words on the freeway, 10 hollows in a row, obnoxious rollers, etc. I've done and will continue to do my fair share of that stuff, especially after a few pints. I like doing burners at chill spots because i have enough felonies on my record and I don't think jail is fun anymore. I have 2 street spots in the whole city and I don't give a fuck because I'm on my way to being able to burn half you fuckers. Check this out– I PURCHASE paint too, so nothing I've just said really matters. ELMER!


here's a bunch of old shit 'cause i suck at life!








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fucking art fags. it's still just all opinion. the cats that started this before we were seeds pushed it, and generations after them pushed it. and coming from a background where I am still very close with cats that not only helped laid the foundation, but pushed styles in this city still appreciate grimy ass throws, hands, and rollers. so it's nice you don't like that shit, that's on you. but at the same time, this ain't fucking art class. if you ain't in them streets, your opinion means dick. nothing. keep flicking. I'll make sure my crew keeps making this city ugly as fuck, and go over whoever goes over us. dsd...


Sloer, sweetie, I mentioned the quality of the work, honey; I never said I disliked graffiti throws, hands, and rollers. And seriously, I really give a cannon ball lake shit about your pedigree. Like I said, it sorta is painful how many of you embrace mediocrity.




if you're a photographer, and have

never had the feeling of being chased by cops, shot at, ran from jackers, had to deal with d boys,

and all the other shit [...]


Jesus, you're a fucking blowhard. That's a very quaint fantasy you've crafted for yourself. Let's just stay on the level ground here, I won't go into how I have painted, twenty years before you, and with people you can find in this very thread. I'll just point out that as a photographer, that's me, I have been dealt with all that shit you mentioned. Trespassing is trespassing, little one. The cops don't care why I am there, and neither do the denizens of where I go. I really don't care that you've made the lateral move from being a foul mouthed shitty photographer to ad hominem spewing miscreant lacking in can skills. Good the fuck on for you.



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