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Issac Brock

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ive been reppin DT DT's or DTS for a very long time and nobodys made a big deal out of it til NEKST passd or til these other DTS cats showd up to detroit. i should know better? who do you think i am some toy who's new to all this. ill rep what ive been repping and thats that. get off my steez. like i said the S is added on when ever. ive been very respectful about everything ive been sayin on here as of lately, which doesnt happen alot. also ive seen throwies from the real DTS crew right along side of a certain bomb i did, it didnt seem they had a problem with what i was throwin up next to my shit. i highly doubt people want to even bother with that kind of petty shit. im not surprised certain people on here got a problem with me all the sudden, what the fuck else is new, my whole graff career has been nothing but haters comin at me wrong, and PAID i was rackin with you back in the day when i wrote SHM/SHAM and you new what i rep'd, why speak up now?

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also how is this situation any different from having two different DFW's in the same exact city?


hahahahaha are you kidding me? do you not think ppl were and still are butt hurt as fuck about me writin fohrs df...? expect to get shit for it. even when the roots of what i was throwing up was in this stupid city longer than the other. i guess its not different at all in the respect that your getting shit for it just like i have been getting, except the ppl giving me shit are about 10 thousand times more ignorant and obnoxious than the ppl hassling you. if you dont like it then ignore it. i learned to stop giving a fuck what these clowns think about me a long time ago. theres always people that wont give you respect no matter how hard you work, you could have more numbers than the entire other DTS combined and ppl will still play their violins and cry about you writing it from the bleachers. some of you ppl take life and yourselves way too seriously. step back and take a deep breathe of reefer smoke and chill the fuck out.

life aint that bad when u got weed n money.

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ive been reppin DT DT's or DTS for a very long time and nobodys made a big deal out of it til NEKST passd or til these other DTS cats showd up to detroit. i should know better? who do you think i am some toy who's new to all this. ill rep what ive been repping and thats that. get off my steez. like i said the S is added on when ever. ive been very respectful about everything ive been sayin on here as of lately, which doesnt happen alot. also ive seen throwies from the real DTS crew right along side of a certain bomb i did, it didnt seem they had a problem with what i was throwin up next to my shit. i highly doubt people want to even bother with that kind of petty shit. im not surprised certain people on here got a problem with me all the sudden, what the fuck else is new, my whole graff career has been nothing but haters comin at me wrong, and PAID i was rackin with you back in the day when i wrote SHM/SHAM and you new what i rep'd, why speak up now?



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... yo man.... dignifying these haters with a response makes you look just as gay.... talking online like the world really gives a fuck shows you need to get a grip on life. Look at yourself in the mirror fool. Your talking to a world that doesnt care...


more flicks now niggaz


its a forum chill out. the ranting and raveing comes with it.:rolleyes:

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what are yall niggas talking about? did not read. skimmed. speaking from experience, it really does hurt my grown man no homo feelings when I started to rep, and ultimately dropped a crew, DFW EAST SIDE 7 MILE, and knew on damn near the opposite side of the city DFW was a crew that came from OG King Gray, and had some of the hardest hitters in this city. I never wanted to compete with those niggas, but now that AMO socked me in the jaw! and I lost every friend I never had and my best friend in the world to death, I could see how niggas on the other side, IE, the "original" crew whatever the letters may be, could be pissed.


I almost went out and capped an old friends spots, well fuck I did 3 times, out of pure hatred that he was throwing up something I didn't think he was meant to. but who the fuck am I? let that nigga do him, you do you nigga. it is the fucking internet age, there are hundreds if not now a thousand crews world wide that share the same letters. at the end of the night, we still do this for us, meaning I, mean you, yourself. so who really gives 8 fucks. if it is really blatant, and style jocking, and taking it to a level of just copying, well, then you're toy. and I hate that term. and toys don't last in this game. real niggas know that. peace to my enemies, and thanks. peace to the few I got left on the squad, and thanks.



fuck the internet. back to crumbling kush and the nonsense thread.

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so from the sidelines... there is 2 dfw's ? what happend to fbs. did all those head start repping LD or did they make "the warriors" while they recruited enough to get LD up and going in detroit. being from ohio and watching all this shit unfold is kind of confusing. no mean to start drama but i know others would kind of like to know what happend?

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....Porab ran FBSK into the ground. dude was drinking a lot, got put on the sex offender list for peeing in public in wayne state, there were 2 DFWS, although the one I repped is more of a joke than anything, but live and learn, and fuck ohio. hope that answered your questions.

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