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Issac Brock

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Lessons I just learned tonight...




If it is a white wall don't use no fucking light colors like YELLOW when it is too dark to fucking see.


don't outline with a light color when the wall is white and it is too fucking dark to see....














man fuck this new name shit. I am going back to my old name. This is some old bullshit. Fuck bombing solo. So worried about watching my ass I can't concentrate. Should a mutha fucka do sketches of the spot before hitting it? Cause the shit I put down is wack as fuck. I dun even want to flick it but if you want to see it I can tell you where its at.


I haven't done solo since High School days and I didn't know what the fuck I could have gotten into.


Props to anyone that rolls solo, that is truly a mind fucker.


Just rant'n and rav'n like I always do

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those are all bad lessons. Light colors work good in the dark because since its dark and they are light they stand out more. I dont know about "light yellow" though, that sounds like a bad call in general.


i agree.................punc_one! do us all a favor and never give advice again:dozey:... !oh yeah!...and stop talking:lol: :lol:

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those are all bad lessons. Light colors work good in the dark because since its dark and they are light they stand out more. I dont know about "light yellow" though, that sounds like a bad call in general.


he said "If it is a white wall." contrast works good in the dark. light colors on a light wall is not contast.


and light yellows a bad call in general? you're not gonna find many combinations that cover better than summer squash and ruddy brown primer.


perhaps you should take your own advice and let the toys live.


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regardless of what a bona fide member of the *BLACK OUT POSSE* may think, bombing with summer squash is absurd-more so if you paint in Detroit. True, if its a white wall, then packing warm yellow would probably not be the best idea. Im guessing now you are going to provoke me for a while cuz yr salty you got nailed for closing the thread? The truth is most kids these days dont even know about the "epic" spots you once claimed or care to here some grandfather figure rambling about starting off sketching simple.That shit is played out. maybe its time for you to supervise the blackbook thread, cuz your cred is dwindling in Detroit, and there isnt much you can say thats relevant about illegal graff.

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A throwie in the most dolo area of that spot. A throwie would be proper for the side of a building where it's seen... off the side of the road. not on the side of a crack den where fishermen and beer drinking anarchists are gonna see it. yar har harrrrrr.


oh, and edit... i gotta thank kosher for all the cans he and wafl left behind. that's where the second blue came from. thanks swl, you're nice kids... even if you do 5 color throwies.

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remind me again of what you've accomplished, to be speaking so critically? what spots did you EVER paint in detroit? how much 'illegal' graffiti have you ever done anywhere? ive had more spots than you, more freights than you, more ups than you PERIOD (and ive admittedly never done shit compared to some). so what does that make you? who have you influenced? who do you know? what have you done? NOTHING, but dick ride me, perpetually trying to make a name for yourself here by speaking mine. yawn. just let it go small fry.


i'm not trying to 'provoke' you, i don't give two shits about you. you're the one who, for the last 10 years, couldn't stop talking about me. infact, if anything, you're on some single white female shit, constantly stalking me, making shit up, pretending its fact. it's actually kinda creepy. that's why you were quoting stan, that shit fits you perfectly.


if you have anything else to say to me, please do it via PM's. no one else cares.

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my proudest accomplishment is being able to make you explode in rage over a short paragraph...Moderators should have a little more discretion. After all, you guys are supposed to be setting an example for the rest of us.


"More spots than you, More freights than you, More ups than you PERIOD"...That should be your 12oz quote right there, not the "hesh shot himself in the ass" thing.


Seriously though, im just fuckin around, i know i suck. chillout.

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