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Issac Brock

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See.. I agree with you on alot of fucking things and i'll be happy to express what i feel... The pak, death, kozmo and company are the ones sidebusting.. There shit is getting tired as fuck but seeing as though they cant be pushing farther than about 8th grade.. I can see why they are such assholes..capping and all that.. different conversation alltogether..


(and seem to have chosen the best names out of the common english language)



Eggs and money are doing the "biting"( but ive some excellent spots by them).. But i feel that when it really comes down to it.. Older folks feel kind of threatened but dont feel the need to worry about it a whole lot.. They will be happy to spread their knowledge but dont want to see people go crazy...


For instance, i can honestly say that money and eggs are up more than practically 75% of the older writers (except the obvious ones of course) .. And i hate the extremem amount of biting but on the other hand i think to myself..

Self.. "what the fuck did LA look like when you were out there a couple falls back, shit looked all the fucking same.. "


As you said a few months back "generic mskawrltskog shit"...


then im like... seeing Older cats do alot of the shit they have done in the city kind of gives you an influence on style... all that shit... "philly hands".. "west coast gangster influence style".. "nyc bombstyles"..


In fars case, fools shit is hot to death, great fucking guy, and has some real nice spots to show for it.. Alot of originality comes out of that cocksuckers brain..


If i was snafu or esau, i would probably be angered with the whole biting scene, but seeing as detroits graffiti is heading in a fucking weird ass new direction, i would sit back and watch..









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yeah i guess the turdl thing was a lot more complex than the newspaper said...i got my ignorant ass schooled...


anyway, yeah it doesnt ever stop. I realized this a long time ago, and thats why I dont really give a shit about what people think of me as long as im doing my best and having fun with it, most importantly that im trying to do my best and respect my betters. if thats not respectable, fuck it.



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i cant speak for every 'old' cat, but i know that personally i'm not 'threatened' by anyone doing anything. i'm a 'writer' in the traditional sense. i care more about graff as an artform (including the art of destruction) and as a discipline than i do about personal fame. i care about the experiences i've been able to have around the country and around the world. i care about the people i've met and the things they've taught me. i care about the shit ive seen and done. i care about going from jocking writers in magazines, to sleeping on their couches and having their girlfriends cook me breakfast. nothing that eggs or money or anyone else does will ever change that or be able to take it from me, so i have absolutely nothing to be jealous or threatened by. for every wall that aks side busts, i have a friend in a city i can travel to and paint for a month. that's not 'bragging' it's the simple truth and anyone tht knows me, knows that. the things i try to tell kids here are lessons i've learned over ten years of hanging out with some of the dopest writers in the country. if peoples insecurities need them to think im on some ego shit, thats fine, they're the ones ultimately missing out, not me. they can continue being all souped up on themselves, doesn't change my life.

i've got no false ideas about who i am or what i am. there will always be kids here that have better styles than me, or have more spots here than i ever did, but so what? i've got much higher priorities than missing work because i was out till 5am painting. those days are mostly over for me, but i still manage to paint as much as anyone in this city, and have done so for years. i've also constantly pushed myself to evolve different styles and succede or fail, never stay stagnant. alot of the time i wound up falling flat on my face, but atleast i took the chance and anyone that says i didnt have an influence on this city either doesn't know their history, or is lying.


if people want to tear this apart and say i'm bragging, or trying to make myself sound cool, go right ahead, but i really dont care. i havent done a single thing that anyone in this city couldnt do. and having done all of it, graff is now so much larger to me than just detroit. i get caught up in the politics here, but its only because i honestly care about seeing kids learn and progress and get something out of writing. as i said in my eggs/money/aks post; if you're going to put in the effort, why do it half way? why not go all out? dont bite styles and dont bite spots. drive around and find new spots. spend 20 hours a week sketching. it sucks to go through, but it feels incredible when you've done it. painting a spot knowing that kids are going to flip over it is 1000x's fresher than painting one that's been done 30 times. but all kids see is photos on the internet now a days, they dont see what goes into it. they're trying to build a car with no instructions, just a final product to compare their parts to. yes it can be done, but it's a long, slow, painful process that would be made infinitely easier if they'd accept that other people just might have a clue as to what they're talking about, and either ask questions or listen. if they dont want to listen to me, thats fine, i dont really have the time anyway, but listen to someone other than your friends who know as little as you do.


*other than where specified this post was talking about the whole of graff and any 'you' was a collective metaphorical you. thats all, now is the time on sprockets when we sleep.

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Originally posted by seeking


i care more about graff as an artform (including the art of destruction) and as a discipline than i do about personal fame. i care about the experiences i've been able to have...


couldnt have said it better myself. I dont give a shit about these writers that dont like me..i appreciate graff as art, and as an experience, and as something I enjoy. I dont care enough to go all out. I just do what I want to, and have fun with it.

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seeking- You think I am always insulting you, thats just a bunch of malarchy. Just so you know i have garbage truck loads of respect for you , my fault for coming off like i was aiming my comments toward you. I just wanted you to know that. This thread should be looked upon as a knowledge breifing..for those of you who get pissed at what all the "older" people are saying, go slap a ass because with age comes wisdom, I don't really know why i am writing this anyway..drunken boredom for the most part and also to clear some things up. Anways..is there nothing new going on this city or just no pictures of it?


p.s Drunk ass hillbilly neighbors with sleevless Nascar shirts playing air guitar at 3:00 a.m piss me off a lot.

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thought this would belong here:


found here.



Detroit, MI, Aug. 27 (UPI) -- The identity of "The Turtle," Detroit's infamous graffiti artist who has covered the city with reptilian images for years, has finally been discovered.


But ************, 27, the man who spray painted the green creatures on billboards, buildings, bridges and mailboxes all over town, may not ultimately pay any price for his vandalism.


Former Wayne County Prosecutor Mike Duggan vowed to imprison him if he were caught, but Kym Worthy, the new prosecutor, has put graffiti at the bottom of her list of priorities.


*******, who told the Detroit Free Press he is no long the Turtle, will only be arrested if he is caught in the act.



i also found a few more in depth articles, but i didn't feel like editing through the whole damn article. .

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Guest Rip Hamilton

Tony Smith, a native Detroiter who is making a documentary film on graffiti called "PaintCans and Politics," also learned the Turtle's identity and tried to contact him.



Last year, Scherz sent a friend to Smith's studio at Woodward and Michigan. He wanted $2,500 for an interview.



"We really wanted the interview, but we were skeptical about paying money for a documentary," Smith said.


.In February, Smith said, police invited him on a three-day stakeout near Scherz's Hamtramck apartment. The cops couldn't catch Scherz in the act.


Finally, Smith and a cameraman, Jesse Cory, staked out Scherz themselves in April and encountered him outside of his apartment. Scherz ran inside.


hmmmmm...this is VERY suspect. I really hope no one buys that fuckin video. Fuck that guy.

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I drove around the city and snapped shots of some things ive done. I downloaded them all to "scan to web" on print shop photo workshop. I want to share them in this forum so other writers can maybe drop me some advice. However, i dont know how to export them from photo workshop into The Writers Forum. Could someone tell me how to display pics on the forum. Thanks

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Oh yeah....



Originally posted by Rip Hamilton


hmmmmm...this is VERY suspect. I really hope no one buys that fuckin video. Fuck that guy.




Suspect as fuck.......




But have you guys heard the movie guys version of this???

Id like to believe their version for the sake of common motherfucking decency but its hard as fuck...

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