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Question about autoracks..


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The railroad knows exactly where rail cars have been, where they stopped, how long they stayed there and so on. Union rules prevent train crews from running longer than twelve hours. When the twelves hours runs out, the crew must be replaced. Since it's a shitload easirer to replace a train crew at a crew change than at some remote location out in the middle of nowhere, they usually stop short of their twelve hour shift in some established crew change location and let the clock run out. The railroad knows their zillion dollars worth of new car cargo is sitting out at some lay-up. If the cars were okay before the stopover, and then when they get to the dealer they are fucked up with grafitti overspray, somebody's nice quiet spot is going to get some pissed off bull activity.


Bulls like to sit around and collect a paycheck for doing nothing but watching trains drive by. So if they have to drive over to your spot and actually get out of their SUV, some motherfucker is going to JAIL. If they have to fill out reports and drive you all over Hell's Half Acre to the juvenile detention facility, they are going to request that the D.A. press charges.


The easiest way to avoid all this is:


Do no damage.

Make no disturbance.

Leave no trace.


If you fuck up a bunch of new cars, you can expect railroad bulls all up on your ass. Do The Smart Thing. Avoid attracting the cops to your spot by making good decisions.

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As far as I know, when I worked at a dealership for a couple years all cars come in with overspray on them. About every new car that is, had to be clay barred to remove the overspray anyhow so dont think a little spray paint would really hurt things or make them harder to get ready to sell. Ive even removed road paint from cars exteriors, and that shit is much tougher than any spray paint...

And for those pictures on the last page, Ive never in my years in the industry seen a car that was shipped with windows open so how the fuck did paint get on what looks to be leather?


Personally wouldnt reccommend it...messin the container is one thing messing the contents is a whole other ballgame.

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paintm u have 2 remember that from one point to another that train stops numerous times autoracks travel cross country witch meens many stop theres no way of tracen them back to were they were painted so go nuts and enjoy and quit worrying about what your vandelizing cuz a train is worth way mor than that stupid little car your losing sleep over cuz yah got a little fuzz on it>.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Why are there holes anyways?


I'm guessing that it makes the train car lighter which reduces fuel consumption and whatnot. Plus why would they need the extra material since you can't really steal a car from these like you can steal beer/ etc. from a box car.


best guess.

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...bottom line..it's not a good idea to paint loaded autoracks...


...what happens is this...yes overspray sticks to cars...when they are unloaded at dealership (or yard for transport), the dealer can reject the car and send it back...meaning that then the railroad is responsible for it, and it could be traced back to where you were painting it...this equals bad...

...some times, however, the dealer will simply buff off the overspray...new cars have a ton of clear coat on them...but they still report the damage to the carrier...which could trace back to your spot...

...again...don't paint 'em loaded...you're making your spot hot...




actually, this is only partialy true, the only time a dealer would reject a vehicle is if there is damge requireing new parts be put on, i only know this because i do auto refinishing at a dealer ship and we get about 2 dozen cars at a time and out of those about 3 or 4 from each group will have something needing a slight touch up i have only seen 4 that have had overspray on them, and that over spray wiped pretty much off with wax and grease remover, but i have seen hundreds with large amounts of rail dust and bumper scratches from them bumping around in the racks....so no over spray is not an issue to anyone...the racks themselves do way more damge than paint spray and as i mentions it pretty much wipes off, that black shit all over everything associated with trains doesnt....

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and as for those pics, that isnt over spray from spray paint, the overspray from paint is very fine after about 4 inches out of the can, plus it would get broken up even finer after going throught the holes, as ive said i have seen this condition it like multi colored dust, and a clay bar isnt even needed if its only spray paint... those and spots that look like if you took a fat cap and pressed on it just enought to let the paint spittle out....intentionally or sumthin like that...

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