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The Skateboard Thread


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man my wife was driving home from work the other night and some fool crossed 3 lanes and cuts in front of her and she he hits him... He keeps going so she chases him honking her horn and flashing her lights he just goes to his apartment complex.. she has the plate number, calls the cops.. cops come and look at our car and goes well i dont see damage so Im not gonna bother looking for him.. WTF!! dood does a hit and run is most likely drunk and she knows his plate number and where he lives but you are not gonna go talk to him!!!!! Yet a day before you wanna give me a bullshit speeding ticket.. Ive never got a ticket in my life yet you cant issue me a warning!!!!!!!!!!


Police. Never there when you need them.


Thats why I never involve the authorities. Not to say your wife was in the wrong, it's just typical cop behavior.



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man my wife was driving home from work the other night and some fool crossed 3 lanes and cuts in front of her and she he hits him... He keeps going so she chases him honking her horn and flashing her lights he just goes to his apartment complex.. she has the plate number, calls the cops.. cops come and look at our car and goes well i dont see damage so Im not gonna bother looking for him.. WTF!! dood does a hit and run is most likely drunk and she knows his plate number and where he lives but you are not gonna go talk to him!!!!! Yet a day before you wanna give me a bullshit speeding ticket.. Ive never got a ticket in my life yet you cant issue me a warning!!!!!!!!!!



I wanna make a grind box at my place..



womphead is there any good ledge spots in arlington?


Now if you or your wife go back and slash dudes tires the cops got your wifes info and will come right to her.

Fuck talking to the cops.

Espescially since there wasn't even any damage to the whip anyways.

Shoulda just came back later and handled dude's whip.

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I almost died Thursday night . I was the driver . Got hit by some dumb cunt driving a GMC Envoy , talking on her phone . The GF is messed up pretty bad . I actually cut myself out of the seatbelt with my EMS knife and crawled out of the vehicle . Thank God for Vicodin ! :lol:





What's the damage to you? anything broken?


On the bright side, you'll probably get some dough out of that.

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