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The Skateboard Thread


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but if you expect everybody to know every name/origin of trick/spiot that came before them you're expecting a little too much. after all, skateboarding is about riding a skateboard, not being a walking encyclopedia


I know , I've tried my hardest to teach the younger skaters in the past 10 years and sometimes it's frustrating , that's all . :cool: I don't expect a 17 year old kid to quote Public Domain , Ban This or Wheels Of Fire at the bar like some of us do . :lol:

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as far as skating and graffiti.. it always good to be well rounded. fuck those subtitles.. vert, piecer, street, or bomber..


i see new and old mixing in together with the tricks now days i the shit looks dope. thats whats good about knowing your history, as for being a walking sk-8 boarding trivia genius. sound more like a professional spectator.

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maybe its the city you are in where kids are retards.. Im form one of the meccas of skateboarding and everyone out there is really educated on history.. especially about that city. theres prolly 40-50 parks in the city..

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Nice flix , and maybe it is my city , because travelling around the country as well as the world , people are more laid back .


People if I seem cranky imagine falling into a coma in 1995 . And suddenly wake up and it's 2006/2007 . That's what happened to me in terms of skateboarding . I didn't buy a single magazine except for maybe Concussion , not a single video , etc...I pretty much ignored everything in skateboarding and rode Black Label decks . Then recently I started to educate myself about what's going on in the world of skateboarding...maybe that's the problem . Trying to teach an old dog new tricks ? :lol:

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this ones for celt....



8.5 deck 60mm wheels and indy trucks


as a bonus..


ass sweat and bad graffiti.


that was in a barn a friend had on his farm that we mad e a ghetto park in.















this was at a police station..




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this ones for celt....



8.5 deck 60mm wheels and indy trucks


as a bonus..


ass sweat and bad graffiti.


that was in a barn a friend had on his farm that we mad e a ghetto park in.











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switch Krillz.


look at the extension! dope. crooks are hard for me to lock in, but i can do Nosegrinds(the nose-manny kind) just fine. i hate it cuz i always watch videos, and see a dope ass crook to pop off in the middle of a ledge and im just so jealous thAT I CANT DO THOSE!

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muska crooked that rail with a boom box and backpack, it was on fulfill the dream


LOL..the Muska's sister is really good friends with my girl . It's funny hearing about Chad these days . I remember seeing him skate a lot at this concrete park in Lorain , Ohio .

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