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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


^fuck that was on tonight?

I was too busy watching gossip girl, kid nation, and tyra

...god i need this job


I deliver food for a living.


It's nice being outside.


I'm on a bike, tho.


Food with a hand truck within a 12 block radius

hell i'll take it

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


oh shit. i heard the youngest kid is 8 and got kicked off FASSSSSSSSSST.




























like a Nascar


he didnt get kicked off


on that show kids dont get kicked off




the little nigga missed his parents so he shook the spot

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


that's what happens when Jesus hates you


Alright fuck you! Dhabz sorry but you pushed me over the edge. I have a personal gripe with god I think. Recently all I hear is Ask Jesus this and I would of never got through that without god I gotta go do something for church why dont you play drums in the church band wtf!!!!!! GTFOH!!


I dont believe in god its not my favorite topic. People who are hardcore into god seem like they are unattached the real world living inside some kinda of bubble that makes them glazed over. They dont seem real, I been seeing this girl she goes to church seemed cool i met her roomate and some dude. They were so happy and like fake weird like they were brain washed in a movie. God hadn't even come up yet, but i was like I have seen this somewhere reminded me... I remembered...


My brother wanted to be a pastor went to college for it whatever dropped out hardcore christian then cooled out for a bit but like right after he started going to church he changed. It was like someone picked dude up and took his personality away. He was all bubbly always looked glazed over like nothing could effect him or he was bottling shit up motivation to do anything was gone. He was all ask and you shall receive but then spent all this time sitting around for nothing...


I HATE THE SHIT this girls roomate and dude (i think he was gay) mentioned god. I was talking about funny times I had in bars which included fights and girls just random people who like stalk you. This girl busts out with "oh yea i dont like bars guys come up to me and talk to me like so what are you into? and I am all like jesus...and they go yea jesus is good and I like kittens too? and then I got scared..." I was just like wtf?! I almost walked out. I sat through 4 hours of the driest conversation ever these people have no excitment in their lives I wanted to punch somebody in the face.


Girl told me key word is patience with her. Then goes into some long winded convo about her ex boyfriend who she "cheated on" blah blah blah. I am like oh well it sounded justified since you were living like 10+ hours away doesnt sound like a real relationship. I was like of course your going to need to get some satisfaction she was like "what? Oh no I didnt have sex with him I mean i messed around made out and stuff but no sex" I was like so thats not really cheating is it? You just made a mistake homegirl like broke down and was like to this day i cannot forgive myself. started talking about god...


her friensd were quoting the bible at the table in between jokes and shit I was like WTF?!


I am angry I fucking hate life today i thnk...

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


hahaha, whoa settle down Lee Harvey... I just say "that's what happens when Jesus hates you" because it's funny. I am by no means a bible thumper nor did I mean to ruin your chances of getting into Christian heaven... hahahaha.


ps. You gotta buy me dinner first sweet cheeks.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


Nah I just heard jesus too many times in the last couple days no worries...



I dont need to pray thats the thing religion in general is retarded in my eyes. I go through life and I am the one who makes shit happen. I do it I dont have to give credit for god giving me a chance at something everythnig I do is because I had the confidence and the drive to get the shit done. When I fuck up its because I did something wrong or made a mistake no because someone is punishing me. These people cannot accept responsibility its fucking stupid...

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


I just thought about how people like I dont need proof of god my faith is all I need. Then I am just gonna ask well what do you think about suicide bombers who think that they're are 72 virgins waiting for them in heaven?


When they go thats stupid...


I am just gonna punch the person in the mouth because ITS THE SAME SHIT!

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