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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


First day of work was pretty sweet.


Broke a record, caught someone in my first 20 minutes.


Here he is...




I figured everyone could appreciate a pic of this dude.


50 years old, lives with his dad, who he was with at the time. His dad talked to him like he was an 8 year old, the whole time saying, "Wait til I get you home, I'm gonna beat your ass blue."



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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


First day of work was pretty sweet.


Broke a record, caught someone in my first 20 minutes.


Here he is...




I figured everyone could appreciate a pic of this dude.


50 years old, lives with his dad, who he was with at the time. His dad talked to him like he was an 8 year old, the whole time saying, "Wait til I get you home, I'm gonna beat your ass blue."




I loved this photo. I want a more detailed description of the events like what he tried to steal, and how he went about doing it.


I really need to get a smaller, slimmer camera so i can take it with me everywhere

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


i think today was my last day of being nice to anyone.



Honestly why dont you ever listen to me...Fucking snuff the bitches or they are going to walk all over you! Quit reading that fucking book and make moves on a bitch christ!

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Well that dude actually stole a 69 cent package of Kraft Handisnaks crackers and cheese. He was just looking hella shady, obviously like he had no money. And I was just kinda watching him from up the isle, and he picked it up, walked back and forth a few times, and sat it down...


Walked to the other isle, picked it up again, and looked but didn't see me, and stuffed it in his pocket and kinda jogged off.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


fuck going back to uni

my units all seem to clash which sucks balls

but for some reason

everything is on tuesday and wednessay

all 3 lectures, all my tutorials and all my labs


the fuck

so im mad busy for 2 days

and the rest is dead


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


"females are the only living species to try to create conflict when there's no excuse for one, besides jealously."


or something like that. i remember i kept saying that in my dream last night and thought it was awesome. i was in a battle competition in ny, and there were internet people in my dream. today, none of it really makes sense.




QD: nice picture, your job sounds fun

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Oh shit I was watching colbert reruns yesterday they had a dude who said that there is some rich baptist church trying to fund research on finding out how they can prove that being gay is a genetic problem so they can find out how to cure it prenatally.



However arent most baptists against everything about this?! Like Stem Cell research and all that genetics shit?! Weird sauce i need an article its interesting...

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Well I have had to get up early to do some study for the exam that will decide as to whether I can dodge another semester of uni. Why did it have to come down to this??


All I know is that I had better not fuck it up this time!!

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


I loved this photo. I want a more detailed description of the events like what he tried to steal, and how he went about doing it.


I really need to get a smaller, slimmer camera so i can take it with me everywhere


This guy reminds me of like when you goto your boy's to party but it is maybe a holiday one or something so you party with all his parents and their friends too. Well this guy looks like the dude at the party who is one of your parents child hood friends who fucked up in life and they feel bad so they let him come to parties then get trashed with him and laugh your ass off.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


HAHAHAHHA! Priceless.


But dude, pleeeease provide a description of what they stole and how you caught them etc.


Are you afraid that one day your going to catch some buff dude a lot bigger than you, try to get him to come back to the office with you then receive serious beatdown?

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Sorry, that guy stole a tub of folgers, 2 sandwiches, and some juice...


No not really, because anyone who's gonna do that is gonna try it outside. A lot of times these bigger black dudes are all talk, and if one did try to swing on me I would just kick him as hard as I could in his knee. Self-defense and all that.


We had like this 6 foot 2 black dude come in and rack a bag of chips, so we grabbed him outside and he started getting loud. And I basically said "Hey get loud all the fuck you want, you're going back inside. And if you want to do something about it, I will fucking drop you to the ground. I fucking promise you that"


And he kinda handed us the chips while still trying to argue that he didn't know he stole it, then he kinda just jogged off.


In the middle of Downtown Oakland it's not too wise to chase after a black dude for too far, cause eventually he's gonna meet up with some people he knows. So we just took the chips back in.


I'm a short dude. I know that. I know that I can hold my own in most situations. I'm not easily intimidated. And I think if I was in a situation where I couldn't win, I would get out of it.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Went out with an old school chick last night, just to catch up for some drinks the next thing shes telling me shes staying at my house... im like no your not get lost go with your friend seriously and laughing at the same time.. she says she going to sleep in the spare bed.. But she jumps into mine.. next thing she has her g-string out and practically naked in my bed... I'm lying there think fuck what next.....as i wasnt really keen on her but i wont turn down a root/blowie or what ever.... then she tries to kiss me and i notice a COLDSORE on her lip .. I'm like YUK! get away from me in not kissing you with that thing! then she says its nothing and tries to lie to me about it... then she gets my boxers off and goes to suck my dick!!!! im like fuck off!! i dont want that THING near my dick and have to force her head away form my groin... so the gentlemen that i am say ill fuck ya but dont kiss me or touch my dick...

next thing shes really upset cause she tells me shes on the paint the town red month.. im like ewwwww .. fuck she was nuts... i still havnt slept since last night as all she was doing was pulling my dick and wouldn't leave me alone...luky i set the alarm at 7 so i could make her leave as i lied that i had work so i could get her and her coldsore away from me!

shit fuck rank ...i think i need to change my mobile number! shes not giving up!

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