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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Okay, question for you catface::


Did you expect them to like all at once surge from the ground and make the whole lawn look all creepy crawly and shit then like swarm around and shit like the bible stories about locusts?


because i sure as hell thought that... no lies.


it was a little disappointing that i've only seen 50 or so... but i'm not afraid of them anymore. i held a couple today... they're so creepy looking and they tickle.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


just youtube video search cicadas...

you'll find quite a bit.


the difference b/t bees ticks and cicadas...

ticks suck blood

bees sting

cicadas don't do anything but eat, be loud, mate, lay eggs, fly-ish, crawl around...

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


wow that sucks for you girl. i drink milk about 6 days a week.


mmm, i used to.

and my oldest brother is a little gross about it... at least three glasses a day.

but i don't mind do much

soy milk tastes like melted milkshake and i like it

plus, by the time i'm 18 i will most-likely be vegan so its just a step past my vegetarianism.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


I love the fact that I have to work Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and possibly Monday.


I also love the fact that I am sick too.


And I REALLY love the fact that I don't get paid until NEXT friday and I have 10 dollars to my name.


Once my boy moves OT and gives me his connect I'll have an extra 800-1000 a week though, so I guess it isn't too bad, just gotta play the waiting game.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


Ounce of Nuggets: $200

Grams in an Ounce: 28 to 30 depending on fatness

Cost per Gram: $20

Total Ounce when broken down: about $560

Profit from said Ounce: $360

Time it takes to move an Ounce in grams: 2 or 3 days MAX




Plus there is still the day job factoring in too.

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