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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


i just got this email.fucking gay.Hello,

My name is Dr. Jeffords Smith a gold merchant from London based in China. I have been into the trading of gold and diamonds from Asian and European countries for the most part of my life.

For the past year I have not been able to do business smoothly, as I have been under close

observation by the communist government in China and as a result I have had my accounts frozen in China. At present I cannot leave the country as my international passport has been siezed. I am in a state of disarray but I have faith that I can still do some international business.

I currently have cash in the sum of $855,000 with a bank in the USA. This amount of money is my only hope to build back my gold business. I cannot access this bank account from here in China without causing trouble for myself as the Chinese government will find out I still keep foreign accounts without their knowledge.

I am contacting you with a kind spirit to enable us work together in some gold deals I would be partaking in. The role I want you to play is to be a financial agent for the gold deals I will

be arranging. As a financial agent you will help me transfer funds from my bank account in the USA to bank accounts of my various buyers I will be providing you. I am willing to pay you 20% of every amount of money you transfer for me. Please note that I will provide all funds for the gold transactions. For the first deal, which can be concluded in the next 5 days, I want you to transfer $46,000 to a bank account in France. Your pay will be $9000 on that deal. I will be willing to close enough deals involving huge amounts of money and I will be starting with small deals.

I actually make enough profits in my gold deals because I buy from very cheap sources (far below prices in the gold market) round the globe and I will be willing to share with you upon

negotiation. My connections for delivery and sales are very strong. It will be very nice working with me as we will be in for making big money from my gold deals.

I look forward to hearing from you. Please contact me via email for more details so we can



Dr. Jeffords Smith.

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


yeah my head got all twisted around. Trying to

fall asleep and all i was thinking about was shit

that would get me locked up... I could feel myself

slipping into pre sleep thinking about clever ways

to break into an animal hospital. It just didnt seem

like a good topic to fall out to. That and i was

catching anxiety so now im awake again. Sometimes

my mind works in really bad ways. I think shit out

that i shouldnt all the time... At any rate i just

popped a small handful of them OTC sleeping pills

and hopefully i can pass out soon

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread



has quite the nicest fannypacks i ever did see


i'm getting one.




Pearl jam for 4 fucking hours today

then these fuckhead guidos turned it up


I'm not ready for a 90's revival, fuck you and your shitty

taste in music.

Lynyrd Skynyrd? I can't


it's life sucking vortex out here

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread


i just got this email.fucking gay.Hello,

My name is Dr. Jeffords Smith a gold merchant from London based in China. I have been into the trading of gold and diamonds from Asian and European countries for the most part of my life.

For the past year I have not been able to do business smoothly, as I have been under close

observation by the communist government in China and as a result I have had my accounts frozen in China. At present I cannot leave the country as my international passport has been siezed. I am in a state of disarray but I have faith that I can still do some international business.

I currently have cash in the sum of $855,000 with a bank in the USA. This amount of money is my only hope to build back my gold business. I cannot access this bank account from here in China without causing trouble for myself as the Chinese government will find out I still keep foreign accounts without their knowledge.

I am contacting you with a kind spirit to enable us work together in some gold deals I would be partaking in. The role I want you to play is to be a financial agent for the gold deals I will

be arranging. As a financial agent you will help me transfer funds from my bank account in the USA to bank accounts of my various buyers I will be providing you. I am willing to pay you 20% of every amount of money you transfer for me. Please note that I will provide all funds for the gold transactions. For the first deal, which can be concluded in the next 5 days, I want you to transfer $46,000 to a bank account in France. Your pay will be $9000 on that deal. I will be willing to close enough deals involving huge amounts of money and I will be starting with small deals.

I actually make enough profits in my gold deals because I buy from very cheap sources (far below prices in the gold market) round the globe and I will be willing to share with you upon

negotiation. My connections for delivery and sales are very strong. It will be very nice working with me as we will be in for making big money from my gold deals.

I look forward to hearing from you. Please contact me via email for more details so we can



Dr. Jeffords Smith.



Go through with it!

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