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portland, wake up. wheres the new generation at? we need the new Richs and Turdles and Lerks. where is the infrastructure to inspire and encourage high school kids to raise up past magnum sharpies and handstyle arrows off their Y's and E's. i understand fools aren;t trying to hand anything out to kids who dont reach a threshold skill and desire level by themselves, which is respectable, but on the real, we need to cultivate our own and encourage stylistical development of younger dudes to keep shit alive. we need to teach history of BTK and SFL past paragraph rants online from bitter old writers. props to arkady on dropping unbiased knowledge on here.


portland is an amazing place. having a legal wall on the ocean, being able to buy paint on st johns or wal-mart, and being able to rack pilots from the meca art store and decos from ac moore, please recognize how fortunate portland is. where are the Oniks's of our generation who bomb? im tired of the "this is not the south bronx, dont bomb, only use white outs and silver pilots on signs and mailboxes, you're just heating everything else for everyone else" argument. thats bullshit. take advantage of those rooftops and congress being dead past 2am. branch out into westbrook, sopo, falmouth, etc.


we have the potential to do some doper shit than what we're on. man if no one is gonna post flicks, might as well stir the pot.



One day in a time far away, you will realize your own foolishness, and regret sharing your toy ass opinion, and maybe , just maybe at that point you will have a higher regard for others and what they have to offer in expression of their personal experience. Have you noticed that people only change when they are ready? & that to take advantage of wisdom being available to you at all times, you cant be bothered?.. No matter what the bronx is doing.. why should portland be more like the bronx? do you enjoy the idea of more drugs & violence? I like peace. But really dont answer that , and dont respond to my post. Stir the pot but keep your bacon bits. The real needs something more hearty. The new is in every moment present. N only through realness and vision will the style or ability be improved. Maybe we should bomb less, draw more,,. Talk less n listen more.

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