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  1. Cool story BRO. try not to do tags where people enter a spot to paint BRO.
  2. Esko got more haters than I do LMAO
  3. I caught a lot of shit for LETTING YOU AND PROOF AND BALANCE paint on the Asylum!! Tell me, does humble little Balance know why I have such a problem with SUB?
  4. Do you? Cause I don't think you do!
  5. Fuck whatcha heard!!! Hahaaaa!! Show and prove bitches!!!!
  6. no timing...what so ever ... SMH
  7. from Revoks Blog... Now FUTURA 2000 & LEE QUINONES are undeniably kings in every respect, and I have the highest respect for both artists and in no way aim to disrespect them. I think every writer on the planet would agree they are true kings in every respect… But this less than fabulous Freddie character is a lame and NEVER WAS A GRAFFITI WRITER/ARTIST. Actually let me make a correction… He painted some really shitty piece on a movie set, a music video, started a piece once on one train and didnt finish… and caught a few tags around a trendy neighborhood were a few key galleries were located in the 80′s… This in no way qualifies him as anything but a wanna-be and a perpetrator. To show this lame alongside true legends FUTURA & LEE is a travesty and insult to the culture. This remind you of someone around here?.....hmmm? .... toys??
  8. Those little kids will be talkin shit to Turdl in a few years!! LOL!!!
  9. The Asylum isn't worthy...jus sayin'
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