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Florida to expand law on gun use


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Originally posted by Æ°@Apr 10 2005, 02:24 AM


how can one prove or disprove an authentic threat?




can someone be 'threatening' without breaking any laws?



I think these are crucial questions and could possibley be cleared up by seeiing the exact wording of the law. I havent found it.


As a country i think we prove or disprove threats is by invading a country killing a bunch of fools, then admit were wrong while we do a lot of other very distracting activities to lessen the fall out of being wrong.

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"I fully understand the pushing of the envelope. However the post you ask me to show you, we (you and I) both know, i already deleted and wanred you about.


If you feel the need to continue to be passively or overtly antagonistic for no purpose you should do so elsewhere."


Maybe you should scroll one post up before I posted that reply, why don't you warn knuckles, hes the one that did a personal attack before I told him to shut the fuck up. Your own bias is obviously clouding your moderating abilities.


I believe he called me a "right wing pussy" He twisted my words around like an idiot and though he acomplished something. I think that warented the "shut the fuck up, you're a moron" post.


His exact post:What a typical loudmouth right wing pussy you are.

You call people hippies for fighting against being conscripted into a war that you yourself described as a "Waste of 68K men."

So you're saying the US wasted the lives of 68k people and those who fought against becomming one of those thousands of dead are PUSSYS!!!

What the fuck is that?




You guys will simply never understand what an authentic threat is and I can't explain it to you..

If you grew up in the right place you would understand that there will be a "justification" for shooting somone each time. They will simply look at the dead guys criminal record, ask for witnesses, loook how far away the guy was when he shot him, if he had weapons on him etc. etc. Chances are you won't have average working citizens shooting each other, you will have average citizens shooting pieces of shit.



No, you can't be threatining to somone without breaking any laws. A mere "Im going to kick your fucking ass" is illegal and is a warrented threat.

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the problem bob is that people feel threatened for various reasons. I see people, all the time, shift away from me on the subway or mall or stores or anywhere. Because they 'feel' like i might be a threat; i fit the 'threatening' look. But i speak well, i'm not a 'piece of shit', or a 'scumbag'; regardless in certain places my 'difference' is a threat. The 'unknown' scares people, and scares them more when they associate looks with the negative stereotypes. And giving people the right to work off there fears and stereotypes to execute a summary judgment is flawed at best and horrifying at worst.


So obviously a verbal threat is a threat; however if some says they are gonna kick my ass, i can choose to walk away. But saying that that verbal threat is now worth killing over is silly.


Im not sure why the idea of a free society centers so much around the right to bare arms. Why doesn’t it center around the right to bare intelligence. Arming yourself for the "revolution" means little with out the brains to figure out what to change or do after the guns have been used.


Killing sumbags is like plugging wholes in a dam. Its not solving the problem; the system that creates the ‘scumbags’ is still cranking them out.


You guys will simply never understand what an authentic threat is and I can't explain it to you..

If you grew up in the right place you would understand that there will be a "justification" for shooting somone each time. They will simply look at the dead guys criminal record, ask for witnesses, loook how far away the guy was when he shot him, if he had weapons on him etc. etc. Chances are you won't have average working citizens shooting each other, you will have average citizens shooting pieces of shit.


This is a very myopic view, not all neighborhoods are the same. To think that your experience alone justifies something everyone should accept is ridiculous. We may not know what you think of as a threat; but the point is, that a ‘threat’, is a very subjective idea.


SO in some ways thinking about how this can effect you may help. IF your brother (hypothetical brother) got shot and the shooter claimed he felt threatened; would you or members of your family feel as good about the idea the some dude on the street got to decide the fate of your brother? Even if your brother were to have said, "i'm gonna kick your ass!". Given this scenario, if you still feel the same way we can just chalk it up to you having the courage of your convictions, as do I.

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Because they 'feel' like i might be a threat; i fit the 'threatening' look


I get the same thing, just because we look threatning does not make us so, the law comes into effect once you actually are threatning someones life.


The pieces of shit I keep referring to is those that make others misreable with their criminal actions such as... Beating people up for no reason, stealing shit form people, stealing shit form peoples homes/cars etc.


As with the brother thing, I stated before... criminal investigations would ensue any shooting, from a full criminal investiagtion you can pinpoint how the people reacted, what were their movments and other detailed information.


One of you posted a couple of posts back something about black youths stealing to feed their family. You know what, jobs are available to anyone who looks for one, if you can't get one because of your criminal history thats your fucking fault. Does it make it ok for them to rob people just so they can feed their family? No.


There are a very very very few people in this country who are poor outside of their control.


I came form a house with an annual income of 20k living with 4 siblings, yet I got a college education- for free. If you want to go to school, there is money for school.


How many of those 50% of unemployed Black new yorkers dropped out of high school?


Of course this goes for every race......

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As with the brother thing, I stated before... criminal investigations would ensue any shooting, from a full criminal investiagtion you can pinpoint how the people reacted, what were their movments and other detailed information.



the point is that your borther is still shot dead/or a live someone gets shot. So they find the guy in the wrong for the shooting? then what?

So they find the shooter justified? Do you sill feel like your bother deserved to die. or rather that the shoter is jsutified in the shooting? where if he had tried to flee your borther might be alive. in jil for a criome maybe but alive and able to learn from his msitake.

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I don't think that would be a likley scenario, I don't think anyone would really feel that their life was threatened by someone saying "im going to kick your fucking ass" BUT, if indeed that would happen, it would be my brothers fault because he did threaten the guy...



Its obviously not the simplest law implemented. Somone search the FLA state legislature for a copy of the bill.

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"I grew up on the crime side

The New York Times side

Staying alive was no jive

I got second hand

Moms bounced on old man

So then I moved to Shaolin land"


Who needs the legal system? Let's make everyone judge, jury and executioner.

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...bob...pretty much every scenario you desribed could be justified as homicide in self defense...which is perfectly arguable in most states...the law in florida goes way beyond that...feeling threatened is a psychological condition...


...and yes...i feel threatened by the actions of the current ruling powere...not in the imediate 'they're-going-to-kill-me' sense but in the 'you're-destroying-the-world-i-believed-in' sense...



...i would like to see the verbage of this bill if anyone can find it...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by juspix@Apr 27 2005, 12:16 PM

i just wanna say that there are some people livin in this country that shouldn't have a gun at all let alone be allowed to pull it out if they feel threatined.....if this law passes....shits gonna hit the fan


does laws matter to criminals? why would they want to buy a gun legally? what are they worried about a law? i must have missed the part of the 2nd amendment says only SOME people are allowed to own guns.

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Guest sneak

in the 1st page, sf1 was talking about how if everyone in american was educated and armed, then the govt. wouldnt try and pull the shit it does...


thats true, but not in the case where half the country voted for said govt. not once but twice.

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Originally posted by sneak@Apr 30 2005, 05:07 PM

in the 1st page, sf1 was talking about how if everyone in american was educated and armed, then the govt. wouldnt try and pull the shit it does...


thats true, but not in the case where half the country voted for said govt. not once but twice.


Wake up. The election was rigged. It was a fraud. More people registered to vote that douche out of office than anytime in resent history. All over the country, not just these so called "blue states". Everybody with the exception of a few morrons wanted him out and most made it a point to vote for the first time for the main purpose of getting rid of him.

And then they have the balls to turn around and tell us with a straight face that the most hated president in US history somehow pulled off the most popular votes in US history??? :rolleyes:

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Guest sneak

just so we are sure, it wasnt a dig at you man....


i just cant ssee it happening to be totally honest, its not down with that good old american tradition of lazyness.


more of a dig at yanks in general!


(seriously though this is a fucked up law. does it include stabbing and beating people to death or only shooting them?)

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