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  1. ...those power lines alone bring back memories...thanks fro the post...
  2. ...blast from the past...big bump...i remember 'taggin' that wall after shows at twisters...i was sooo badass...
  3. ...damn...those rcade pieces are looking nice...like those hersey straight letters too...and of course a big bump for bzee...dicko, kaes, jems, reakt...
  4. ...holy shit...big fuckin bump for classic RVA...thank you sir...
  5. porque


    ...i pulled up this thread only to find that symbols already added the story i was going to post...oh well...
  6. ...i have a huge soft spot in my heart for bad graffiti...lets keep the flicks comin'...these civllians deserve their due...
  7. ...i don't think this is available outside the twin cities...but damn is it good... ...on the east coast i was a yueng fan...best cheap beer ever...how can you beat $1.19 22's at kroger?...and it's damn good on tap...damn i miss you yueng... ...other favorites...sammy smith...rogue...sierra nevada (...drinking now)...new castle...guiness... ...someone mentioned moosedrowl brown...i will admit that beer will get you fucked up...crazy drunk...but it tastes like soda...way too sweet...
  8. porque


    ...it got cold here fuckin quick...last week it was in the seventies, now it's in the thirties...i went riding yesterday and thought i was going to get frostbite in my hands...i gotta go get some gloves...
  9. ...i pop in this thread about once a month or so to see if anything good is going on...hope you guys don't mind me jumping on the river bandwagon...i love doing simples... http://www.photodump.com/direct/daisy5/riversketch.jpg'>
  10. porque


    ...you mean that silver thing from wal-mart?...it got jacked from my front porch...luck had it that somebody abandoned an old road bike outside my work right after that...the rest is history...
  11. porque


    ...and in case anyone cares...i ride a fuji 7005...not too fancy, but it gets the job done...i've been wanting to build a fixed for a while and just haven't done it yet...before i got this i used to dig for old bikes at thrift shops, fix 'em up, and then ride them for a while till i sold them to somebody else so i could start all over again...i love bikes...
  12. porque


    ...instead of curving down, around and back, bullhorn bars curve up and then stop short...so they look like a bull's horns...the manufactured ones usually have a slight bend in them for your hand to fit...but you can make ghetto bullhorns by just cutting a standard bar and flipping it upside down...i know people that love them and people that hate them...
  13. ...contrary to popular belief...on the whole cofee is not bad bad for you...it's the cream and sugar that is...if you drink cofee black it has lots of anti-oxidants (like tea) that are good for you...the only bad thing is the caffeine...too much is bad for your heart... ...i personally can not go a day without coffee...i like it balck and dark...i don't drink that flavored stuff...
  14. ...yo char...you're on some next level shit...
  15. ...crewjones...are paper battles over the internet corny?...yep...do i really care?...no...i did this, twice now, because i was bored as shit and couldn't go out and paint...i am aware, as is everyone, that a lot of people on here don't really paint much...but some of us do...some of us paint a lot more than you think...and yes i think a real battle would be with people flicking real pieces that they did and posting them up...i obviously don't care too much about doing full blown sketches, i think i own a grand total of six markers, seems like a lot of time i could be spending painting or benching some freights...but whatever people want to do is fine with me...
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