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Microsoft does something cool


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Originally posted by bobthebuilder@Apr 4 2005, 01:44 PM

Your right, you know everything about every topic and im always wrong.


well, at least he finally admits it.

and by the way bob, your grammar is incorrect in this one.


"your" is a possesive pronoun


"you're" is a contraction, short for "you are"



maybe if you could open your mind, you might learn something, rather than just regurgitating shit the government, the news and the military have spoonfed you.

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People expect that everything will be as easy as america online. Linux can't be that hard to use, it's just that people don't want to learn how to use something different. If windows hadn't "invented" the computer (which, they didn't!) than surely someone else would have. And yeah, the military did invent the internet.

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Originally posted by bobthebuilder@Apr 4 2005, 10:37 AM

WOuld you say there would be as many people on the internet today if microsoft would not have invented a simple interface?


microsoft didn't invent a simple interface, they stole it from xerox. and if you want to get technical, mac's are far easier to use than pc's in every possible way.


this argument is dumb as shit.


i'm glad that the government was holding congressional hearings on the illegal downloading of music two years ago, meanwhile they've done nothing to stop identity fraud.



seeks/we're #1

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Villan: you are absolutly right, it is well known that a decent chunk of the NSA's cyber crime fighters are former hackers who were given the choice of getting prison dick in their skinny ass cheeks or working for the man.


oh yeah PS, i gotta check that book out pronto...sounds like hot cakes.


Seeking: props, you are one of the few people i have heard get that right, a lot of people think microsoft stole it from steve jobs and the mac concept, they did thier share of stealing from them as well, but the whole sausage did come from xerox.

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8onus: chyeah man check the book... it's worth it.


I am glad for symbols contribution to this because that is something I haven't heard in other arguments of this nature.


I too thought maybe Bill Gates stole the idea from Steve Jobs, or they both stole it from apple or something. I didn't really know.

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8onus: chyeah man check the book... it's worth it.


I am glad for symbols contribution to this because that is something I haven't heard in other arguments of this nature.


I too thought maybe Bill Gates stole the idea from Steve Jobs, or they both stole it from apple or something. I didn't really know.

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Originally posted by villain@Apr 5 2005, 08:13 PM

8onus: chyeah man check the book... it's worth it.


I am glad for symbols contribution to this because that is something I haven't heard in other arguments of this nature.


I too thought maybe Bill Gates stole the idea from Steve Jobs, or they both stole it from apple or something. I didn't really know.

word...steve jobs is apple, i just couldn't remember how to spell apple at the time so i used dudes name to play it safe.

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Originally posted by symbols+Apr 4 2005, 07:06 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (symbols - Apr 4 2005, 07:06 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-KING BLING@Apr 2 2005, 04:42 AM

1)  While Bill Gates does give to charity, so has every other elite majorly rich person forever.  They get tax breaks for one, and once you have so much you stop caring about your bank account and start with your legacy.  It's like a video game with cheat codes, you stop caring about beating it and start fucking around because you know you can't lose.  I think many other powerful rich people are worse than him, but he is nothing unique in the long line of the ultra wealthy who share some crumbs with the starving masses.  His wealth, or more aptly put the ability to generate such an unnessesary proportion of money is part of the reason he has charities to give to.


no, this isn't 'donating to charity to get the IRS off your back'


this is HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars given to start whole FOUNDATIONS to combat aids in africa and find new malaria treatments.

these are not crumbs, this is a scientific movement funded by one person.

you can spit in the face of such generosity all you want, but that shows your ignorance, or bitterness, take your pick. !especially! in an age when our government is abandoning scientific research.


and where is the evidence of every rich person giving to charity? talk about making up some bullshit to support your weak argument.


and just so bob knows, i am not on a windows machine, operating system, or web browser.

neither is the majority of the institute in which i work.




First off, fuck you for responding and not giving me credit for at least explaining myself. You used the exact same generalities in your statement. Had you not been just as vague you would have shown something as to what Gates pays in taxes, a ratio of wealth to charity output or and number of obvious "King Bling is full of shit quotes" but you didn't. You work in an office full of apples, or linux or a bunch of other non-microsoft technology - great, yay, who cares? Well maybe Bob...


That said, here is a few names you might recognize as robber barons or other mega wealthy titles. These are men, who represent exactly what I said - they were the richest of there time - they gave, had places and causes named after them, helped shape the world and all. But what did they have to lose? Foundations for the media or for scholarships or for vaccines and research are only neccesary when men like this possess so much and others possess so little that it is noticeable when one gives to the other. ALso I don't see the point in praising someone for doing the right thing, thats like me helping an old lady get up when she falls - If you have loot, you help, no need to kiss his ass. Again - They do get tax breaks, but I didn't say it was all given back by the government, it's just a combination of my stated reasons that these men give - tax, legacy, so much wealth giving doesn't matter. The wrong is a system that promotes a spectrum of billionaires and the starving masses beneath, and you can say these people are concerned, but they thrive on the system that created there charities - instead of changing the system, they'd rather donate to fix the ills economic disparity creates, control those donations, and be remembered long after the diseased and ignorant are dead and forgotten...



Andrew Carnegie,

Jay Gould

J. Pierpont Morgan

John D Rockefeller

Cornelius Vanderbilt

Henry Ford

Andrew Mellon


Bill gates isn't evil, in fact his heart might be in the right place (I loved George Soros during the Kerry campaign), but if he had an interest in stoping the cause rather than the symptom I beleive his actions and words would be different.


I am more impressed by a man that gives half of his only loaf of bread to a stranger, than the king who gives 50 of 500 elks to the people...

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what's funny about this is that i don't work in an office.

i work in a major research university, one of the most recognized in the world.

this place runs on money provided froom the government, and private donors like those rich men.


you forget that many of those men were too busy to be doling out of their foundations, and other peope ran them. the Howard Hughes Institute, for example. they are funding some of the most important research investigators in the world, not furthering some agenda of the Howard Hughes Institute.


Bill Gates is hardly furthering his own agenda or his name by anonymousely donating 50million to this institute for a malaria research foundation, hardly a priority in the first world that we live in.


you talking about elite majority and legacies. these are generalities.

i used a specific example, about bill gates, because of the thread of course, and cited his anonymous donation, which i know about because i fucking work here.

as far as who cares about people using apple, surprise! my comment was not only directed at you...uh, why i typed "just so bob knows"

(are you dumb?)


you mentioned carnegie, yeah, we've got a building named after him, maybe because guy didn't care about what happened in the building, he was just funding a research hospital that needed some dough. just doing the right thing? i guess that would not be commended by a person like yourself, who clearly lives in a world of delusion if he thinks that the system will one day be magically overhauled so that there are no more wealthy people who decide to give some of their money away to people like me, who don't give rat's ass about money and therefore don't have any.


there are old ladies falling over all around the world with no one to help them. we don't live in a world where people just do the right thing because they should. i don't kid myself about wishing research scientists got paid shitloads, because they don't. to me, it's about living in reality. and in my world, not every rich person gives money away. ever heard of leona helmsly? any one of the fuckers involved in Enron? WorldCom? where is Mr. Dell's major contribution to science research? or the Sultan of Brunei?


this topic is not about rich people, it was about microsoft doing something good for once.

i was pointing out that gates has done some good before.


now unbunch your panties.

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bill gates is doing something about this because microsoft is getting their asses handed to them by hackers, not because he gives a shit about the security of their consumers. they're doing it because as more and more people realize how much easier/safer/problemfree mac's are, they realize how inept and bullshit pc's are. obviously microsoft still holds a huge monopoly on the market, but that entire thing could, and will, shift in 5 years if ms doesn't do something quickly to change it. apple owns the hipster teen/20something market, if not in actual numbers, then atleast in 'spirit'. in a couple years they'll be a huge market force and they'll know full well that mac's can do anything pc's can and do it better.

that's why gates is stepping into this issue, because the future of his business depends on it.


what he gives to other charities is irrelivent to this discussion.

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around 99/00 when jobs came back, gates dumped a ton of money into apple basically saving them from dissolving. this, of course, was not a humanitarian effort. it was coming on the heels of the ms monopoly trials, and gates knew if apple were to go under, he'd be right back in court. he needed the illusion of competition, and also, i'm sure, knew there was a market for mac's and would make out big on his investment. i don't know if it was a loan, or if he got shares or what have you, but gates is a business man. i'm sure he owns apple stock either way.

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please call these #rs as much as possiable i have been all day there one of the companies that cause popups fuck with them all day like I have this is not a joke

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Microsoft's case against phishers might be self-serving, but at least it's better than shit-all that the government was doing.


When I was 14 or so, it was actually easier to get a working credit card number then it was to get an mp3. It's gotten a lot easier to get mp3s, but it hasn't gotten any harder to get someone else's credit card number.

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Originally posted by fermentor666@Apr 7 2005, 12:24 AM

Microsoft's case against phishers might be self-serving, but at least it's better than shit-all that the government was doing.


When I was 14 or so, it was actually easier to get a working credit card number then it was to get an mp3.  It's gotten a lot easier to get mp3s, but it hasn't gotten any harder to get someone else's credit card number.



The biggest change was when they placed (Companies name) will never ask you for your credit card or password on the actual im window. I remember when AOL did that I noticed a great decrease in the amount of people that replied.


Oh and if you want to block people from pinging off you...


PEERGUARDIAN 2. download that shit. It blocks over 8 million known government/military/school ips.


*Edited due to spelling

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  • 10 months later...
Guest Sparoism

I'm still shocked that the majority of this board continues to run Windows (myself included, haha)


I'm switching over to Slackware as we speak.


Symbols, which version of UNIX does your school use?

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Originally posted by Sparoism@Feb 9 2006, 04:24 PM

I'm still shocked that the majority of this board continues to run Windows (myself included, haha)


I'm switching over to Slackware as we speak.


Symbols, which version of UNIX does your school use?



I'm not shocked. Anyone with above-average computer skills can handle windows. Just don't be an idiot and you won't have any problems, knamean?


I've had my computer for 2 years and never had any problems.

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Guest Sparoism

I'm about halfway switched over to using Linux full time.


Bill Gates is an amazing businessman, but his product leaves an awful lot to be desired. If you have the time and inclination to do so, there's plenty of open source stuff available for free...and is smaller, faster, and in the case of Linux, reliable enough to run for years without crashing.


There's a lot of info on the web about open source- the main three resources I use are linux.org for news and info, distrowatch.com for current downloadable versions of Linux, and freshmeat.net for apps.

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haha. you mac users think you're so safe.


delusional, maybe...safe, no.










New virus preys on Mac-users’ sense of superiority



Firefox, Mac Not Immune to Flaws, Viruses


i could do this all day.




anyhow, gates donates regularly.




Major Funding Announced to Save Newborn Lives


$84.3 Million to Expand Access to Low-Cost, Effective Tools for Newborn Health


^ something recent.

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