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new initiative to stop graffiti


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Has anyone seen reno 911 on comedy central?

I was sketchin some letters yesterday while watchin it and before a commercial these two dudes holdin cans and doin' graff got caught by a lady cop from the show....

and she went into this lecture about how doin' graffiti is bad and wrong and if you get caught you get thrown in jail and have to toss the salad. hahaHAHAHA.

The guys were like oh no we're gonna stop!!


I like looked up from my letters and laughed so hard.


:haha: :haha: :haha:

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Damn ny getting harder on writers? Damn, that sucks if they are actually serious, just recently in san francisco the mayor(gavin newsom) Actually annouced a CUT in the funding used to prevent graffiti, YES! anyway, dont let those fancy-ass anti graffiti ass wipes get you down, newyork writers have been winning the war against antigraffit for 100years!

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In the newest BMX magazine I read; there was a story about a group of bikers out in NYC to film this guy do something on a specific rail...so they rode around looking for a certain type of rail for an hour or so and then when they finally started to set up to shoot the picture/film the rail...about 6-7 taxis, minivans and trucks pulled up and 20-25 undercover cops got out and searched them...I guess the cops were following them for hours because they thought that they were a graffiti gang looking to spray paint a building...

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They've merged anti-vandalism squads from the street and subway. Which means they are spreading themselves thin. But more cordinated with precincts and more graf detection devices to catch graf artists. With graffiti cleaned up in the subway cars and stations, the next part is the streets and they have a 100 person watch list of the top caught vandals


There is an article and thread here: http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=61759

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Originally posted by Khartoum@Jan 16 2005, 01:55 PM

In the newest BMX magazine I read; there was a story about a group of bikers out in NYC to film this guy do something on a specific rail...so they rode around looking for a certain type of rail for an hour or so and then when they finally started to set up to shoot the picture/film the rail...about 6-7 taxis, minivans and trucks pulled up and 20-25 undercover cops got out and searched them...I guess the cops were following them for hours because they thought that they were a graffiti gang looking to spray paint a building...


more like they probably thought they where terorists


a graffiti gang are u fucking serious?

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Another writer caught...


Cops dub teen one of borough's biggest graffiti vandals

**-year-old from ********* is alleged to have left his mark throughout the city


Saturday, January 29, 2005



The Citywide Vandals Task Force notched another victory in the fight against graffiti Thursday night, reeling in one of Staten Island's reputed biggest taggers -- a teen who spray-painted his calling card throughout the city and possibly in other states as well, said police.


***** ******, **, of the *** block of ******* Ave., ********, was arrested Thursday at 11 p.m. inside his home and charged with criminal mischief and making graffiti, said Lt. Jeff Schneider, special operations lieutenant with the unit.


"From the day the unit started, we told [graffiti vandals] we're coming and we're here," said Schneider. "It's not a matter of if [we catch you], it's a matter of when."

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I've heard that a few times...''It's not if, but when'', kinda scarey when ya think about it..ya just never know, but always, ALWAYS be prepared...as far as putting and end to graffiti???? hmmmmm? good luck officers..money that might be spent better combating drugs, or say, feeding and sheltering our homless people, or even better yet, medical...

whats this country coming to?

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