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helper cfs outta las vegas


the reason ether MUL dont care about his name being wrote by someone else is cause the other kid will never stack up to him.

and helper cfs will always paint las vegas and only be known there, while Helper PBJ ADM has and will keep crushin through multiple states


writing someone elses name is wack, I dont get how kids think its ok just cause everyone else does it.

it goes back to OG rules of the game: you hold your fuckin name down. you dont let cats write over it, you dont let them write it.

the fact you say "you do this for yourself" is even more motivation to NOT write someone elses name. why would you want to play yourself? dont you want 100% credit for every thing you do?


cue the "every names been taken" bullshit.... if kids spent more then 5 minutes comin up with a name, this wouldnt be a problem


ps. helper cfs hasnt been writing that half as long as helper pbj adm

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if somebody is ultra up and has been for a while, or if someone is a legend or is DEAD most importantly, do not write that name.. the main reason to not want to stop writing something is because of the work you've put in for it... well if somebody else has already done it for awhile, or at least a whole lot, then theyve put more work in than you for that name, so stop it.



anyways, how bout them browns?










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yo, i rember seein apex up like mad, when i lived in columbus, that was like 1998, tho

you can still peep alot of apex tags and a few rooftops. matter of fact, dude has one of the hardest rooftops riding in the city to this day:


go ahead and steal that one yall, i know you want it and you wont find your way up there unless you was the man at Zelda

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