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just so you know there is already an eros akb/tci who is nasty as hell... look him up.

not hatin the work yr puttin in just tryin to help you out!


son I done TOLD THAT KID THAT "EROS" tci fr8 killer!

cleveland people seem not to care about using other peoples names....

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i just don't think anyone cares? theres more than one ether, ends, ender, thes, webs, tems, ALOT rip, got, done, OVER(rip), hoer, droz, hek... ect.. id say write what ever you want. i mean your doing this for your self right? so if your comfortable writing a name you started out with fuck it



I think its just about respecting your elders.... i mean to the real eros this shit is probably laughable, but it really doesnt look too good on cleveland eros' part. Its porobably not the best idea to be known for someone elses name. Like we all know ether mul is fucking dope, but who wants to be known as the wack ass toy who writes "the other ether"?


Im not knocking cleveland eros at all because ive done the same thing, but he should know that someone is already burnin the shit out of that name since he was a little kid, and he might wanna think twice about writing it. In the end though its only graffiti and its up to everyone to do what they feel is right.


... i cant believe i just took the time to write that on the internet.

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he knows someone else writes the shit but it doesn't matter because hes not writing for anyone else. i just think more focus should be put on people who are disrespecting dead writers by writing their names still and not having a clue who they are, as opposed to writing a name thats already out there. almost every name has a duplicate somewhere else its just the game.

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Save the drama fo yo momma. To write for yourself is all good, and is what you should do, but one good reason to NOT write someone else's shit is that you could be hungry one day and stumble upon a knuckle sammich. on the flip side...



How uuuuu dooooin







some flick so its not a text only thread





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