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Yo i can paint... Sortof lol...



Shot with KODAK DX7440 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA at 2007-07-25


so that makes 4 of us? Im not claiming to be super good i just think i have some can controll etc...


dont wanna be cocky though. i saw cnue bombs on the highway. some great vertical throw, heat spot to.


those bombs that square off at the top. they are so much fun to do haha

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Really? You think thats talking "a lot of shit"


Because i told one internet style toy he should stop biting. Wow... Seriously, Why dont you jump OFF the bandwagon for a second and think for yourself. I dont know your skill level, all ive seen from you is some flawed 3d style. But honestly, if you think your better than me. Just post your best work for us to see. Otherwise, as i said, there is no point in starting random fights with people you dont know. Respond to this only with your work, or not at all. Frankly i think your just mad because you learned most of what you know off the internet as well. If thats the case, instead of defending yourself by lashing out at me, hit the books.

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Yea seroiusly, cut the bullshit, this thread was created to give advice for toys who need it, whats the point of talking shit about someones work if you arent going to even give them advice on what they should work on, if your posting on here your obviously toy, therefore you dont have a say whether or not someones work is shit, cos there will be so many more people above you who could turn around and say the same about yours, so cut the shit and help each other out to become better writters.

Now, buttabisket, your styles got some potential, i dont really know how to explaint this to you, but it looks like some of your lines are sorta at the wrong angle, throwing of the whole extension, but keep working on it develop that style.

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