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ok first off, i'm drunk as fuck. just got home from djing. i get paid in free booze, not money.


victor and alert doing a trade --i'm looking forward to that shit. both of you have been killing this thread. alert, you haven't posted in a minute but that last thing was fucking nice. real nice.


duse --as always, real good work. if you trust me enough, i'll be printing some stickers soon. feel like throwing them around beantown for me? i won't be back for a while. we can do an exchange, if you want your shit in upstate new york.


victor --i'm seriously feeling what you're posting as well. you definitely have a twist element to simples --and that always puts a fucking smile on my face. now i see you throwing in some old school NYC influence. you and duse should do a simple exchange as well. duse has the whole dondi style down.


eurf --that last sticker, i liked it man. it's a full on ed templeton influence to me, but right on. do you skate? start mass producing your stickers and start slapping that shit up.


joe windsor --i don't know man. you need to do some serious searching. are you really a gangsta?seriously, not to be a dick, but get over your identity crisis and just fucking do letters to do letters for fun. don't represent this whole gangsta bullshit --unless you're really on the street putting down that kind of rep. you're having fun with graffiti? than have fun with letters, fills, bubbles, handstyles, throwies, etc. it's not about being a fucking gangsta or any of that shit. you did some stuff a few pages back where you were fronting the whole gansta thing. don't do it man. i'll tell you this, you ever get serious with graff, and you decide to step to the street with that gangsta bullshit in your work--someone is going to call your cards, and i don't think you'll be able to handle it. just have fun with your fucking letters. graff culture is rooted in egos and beef --but you better be able to back up what you portray in your work. do you fucking rock the brass knuckles for real? have you ever had a pair in your hands, and actually had to use them? if not, forget about that shit. just do goofy characters and some letters for fun.


this is where i step off my soap box and take a piss.



first semi kind words ive gotten from you. ill take it where i can though. and i did skate for a while but have given it up. school and work rule my life. and i hope im not biting his style that bad however, if i am i dont mean it.


victor- i like the piece. wanta see what you can do for alert

wease- the first one i dig.

bouncing- i like your stizz. i like that its not sketched out and just traced over. very dramatic. i like

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I call bullshit kid, that you were not trying to imatate a 3d or drop shadow, the fact that ONLY those parts on the letters scream that thats what you were trying


lol think what ever the hell you want. I was trying drop shadow. I did it with quite a bit of my stuff.





you get the point.

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lol think what ever the hell you want. I was trying drop shadow. I did it with quite a bit of my stuff.





you get the point.


keep your letters the same size.

stick to one color for now.

BASIC BLOCK LETTERS to start, then when u understnad how the letters are formed you can start to add some style.

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