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**SO... this is kind of pathetic, but i just took twenty minutes going through the last four pages and making comment on some things... i had to copy and paste shit to word so i could make all my comments in one post... i figured it would be easier... it's 3 pages in word... but here it is::


**i've been really out of it for a few days... been sick and shits going on [[life and such]] so i haven't touched a pen in a couple days. i'll post up some new shit tomorrow but for now i'm catching up on not having checked out this thread in a few days


**I know that some of these are like days old… sorry. I figure I should just catch up cuz I love looking at everyone’s shit so I’m not just gna skip over what I would have said on the pages I missed::




**Bump. This shit is crazy awesome man. I know itd be a bit cliché but I think that same structure with a flame fill would be sick. Just 2 cents.



hat for my friend


**bump. all you guys that were on my case when I said some shit like simples are stupid… yeah, here’s another one you can throw in my face to say that you can rock simples. Fucking love it duse. Nice man.


Been writing since last Thursday (4/5/07) and I gotta say I suck real bad.


looking for advice and shit. have dont a couple of paintings but no pictures yet






thanks for advice and sorry for wasting space with my toy-ass bullshit




**they aren’t shitting you when they keep saying that simples help. That’s all I do for the time being and everything has improved for me… at least I think so. I’ve only been at this a month-ish now… so I can’t really comment on anything I guess. Take what Earl said in the next post I’m quoting to heart



CRAZ E --you're young man, not A young MAN --just straight fucking young. your short guys are still fresh. get a hold of them, realize what you're putting down on that paper man. my only crit for you is to start studying graff, and grab a good grasp on what the style of letters, characters, techniques, cultures (global styles differ) all mean --stick your fucking dick in this shit and fuck the hell out of it before you sit down and work on shaky ass pencil letters. get influenced by those ahead of you, and go from there. steady your line, don't push down so hard --you're not retarded are you? i hope not, but only retards kung fu grip a pencil and scribble that fucking hard. use light lines on that paper, draw an idea of what you want to do, then go in and thicken your lines. take simple letters, start there (FUCK!!!!), learn how to do block letters. once you get that down, we (the thread) can start to help you out.


WEASE --i think you and CRAZ E should do a trade. i'm serious here. he's just starting out, you're just starting out, i think it would be a good excercise for both of you. both do simples. CRAZ E. wease just started in here as well CRAZ. she's got you beat though, so up your fucking game and trade with her.


**I’d gladly do a trade. I need all the practice I can get on different letters and shit. And if I’m doing it for someone else I know I’ll work harder… that’s just how I am. But yeah, like Earl said Craze, check out graf. I have a folder in My Pictures with over two hundred different throw-ups, pieces, etc… and I have a book called stylefile of all different types of blackbook work and another book called Graffiti Women by Nicholas Ganz I think his name is… I just read that shit til all hours of the night… studying and copying and shit. It helps a shitload.







just finished these.


**BUMPPPPPP I love that second one. Crazy sick.




**Yet another bumpppppp… cnue, it looks like you use watercolor in these newer ones man. You’re rockin these so hard man. I love your style


alright MAZ, i've got your shit done. i took some photos to show the progression of it.


first photo was the outline. i did it with pencil, then went over it with a 01 micron pen.



then i made that outline thicker with an 03 micron.




then i finished it with details using a .005 micron.




oh yeah, i gave your letters leprosy. sorry.


**yet another BUMP. like it has been said before me… not loving the M but I love the errr… leprosy =]

[[i love micron pens... except i always erase the pencil too soon and it smudges them... so now i give it a full ten minutes before erasing.]]




One of my earlier sketches. Comments?


**That’s Hot. yes, i am aware that i am basically quoting that stupid butterface paris hilton... but i dont care. that's what came to mind when i saw that.



Live and in colour!!! crits please. i gotta say the streak on de P is really annoying me.....


**I think I liked the pencil one better. Not cuz I don’t like the colors… I just like the other better. The left side of the P in the pencil one is the only thing my eyes have trouble with… shouldn’t it bend down a little to go with the rest of it…?







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just wondering why you asked?


i asked because i was curious to see how old you were. i figured you were young. i already posted a response to your answer. i'll repost it here though:


CRAZ E --you're young man, not "A" young "MAN" --just straight fucking young. your short guys are still fresh. get a hold of them, realize what you're putting down on that paper man. my only crit for you is to start studying graff, and grab a good grasp on what the style of letters, characters, techniques, cultures (global styles differ) all mean --stick your fucking dick in this shit and fuck the hell out of it before you sit down and work on shaky ass pencil letters. get influenced by those ahead of you, and go from there. steady your line, don't push down so hard --you're not retarded are you? i hope not, but only retards kung fu grip a pencil and scribble that fucking hard. use light lines on that paper, draw an idea of what you want to do, then go in and thicken your lines. take simple letters, start there (FUCK!!!!), learn how to do block letters. once you get that down, we (the thread) can start to help you out.



i see in your latest post that you have a crew? why? you and your friends should stop playing make believe, and start putting some hard time into your books. you need to seriously step everything up a whole lot of notches before you can say you're in a "GRAFF CREW." too many young kids today have the wrong idea about graff. it's like the young buck skaters i used to see. they all learned how to kickflip, before they could even ollie. you've got a shitload to learn man. and don't listen to what MTV and mark ecko's "getting up" is telling you. don't give a shit about any of the shit you think makes you a graffiti artist. just give a shit about what you can do with your pencil right now, to possibly become one.


oh, and you and your "crew" are the type of shit that are fucking up my local legal wall. kids going down doing fucked up retard looking handstyles with cans, over decent to damn good styled pieces.


i know i might sound like a dick here, but i'm just trying to be straight with you. no hard feelings. work on your shit, and post it. people will help you. right now though, your shit is garbage, and i'm sure you've got the idea. you've got to step it all up a whole lot.


oh, that Alfred E. Newman wasn't bad --but it's still got that fucking monkey grip pencil style.

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kaos an exchange is where two writers each do a piece of the other persons name instead of their own, so that they can each bite things they like about the style its done in, its a tool used to expand their style, but yeah i write JAC7, so whoever else wants to exchange lemme know



and joe, do you really write ensignia? or were you just screwin wit that, that shit should be a task to pull off, ill have fun wit that one

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