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thanx killr, i messed the feather up badly lol......and by the way mr Q is correct go simple and keep practasing, i woudnt concentrate so much on colours at first get so neat outlines done and once you get better you can add colour. obviously you can add a bit of colour but attempting a full colour peice before you got throwies etc down isnt really realistic :) hope that helps a little

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isnt it funny how when i used to say stuff like this, you and everyone else on here told me how annoying i was?


yea well im in a bad mood and i felt like talking shit to people in here :)


and i probably am being annoying but guess what i dont really care




peace :)

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boys stop harpin on the toy's, you were there once too.



keep it up boys. but remember if you want to stay in the game dont paint because you think this shit is cool, not for fame, not because its the "thing", but because you need to, cause its the only outlet you have left.

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GZ - you should not be painting right now.


Fill up an entire sketchbook cover to cover before you even start thinking about paint.




Note: EVERYFUCKINGBODY (except Weasel) who posted pics on this page needs to hit the books and focus on simple straightlines. Nothing more. No connections, arrows, etc. No round letters. No wild anything.


You have to crawl before you can fucking walk before you can fucking run marathons.


Here's an example of how simple letters look.






Here's another example I did for someone who wanted to write "REMIX" a long time ago:




Get the idea? See how the letters are all the same size (approximately) and the width is relatively constant too? See how the 3D makes sense in space? See how the letters are clean and have no connections.


THAT is what you need to be doing, many of you.


If you can't do these type of letters, QUIT NOW. YOU WILL NEVER GO ANY FURTHER.


Master that. I made those on computer. You can do the same thing. Just type your name in Arial or Helvetica, make it bold and thick, then draw that over and over doing your 3D as a simple 45 degree angle.




Doing this will make you better.

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