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dahr you dont have to have the same type of extensions on every letter, i know its a strong urge haha, to try and make them match, but i guess sometimes it causes some letters (in the last sketch the A, maybe R) to look ok with it, and some (D,H) to look worse than if you just had the basic letter..like its forced... i dunno just thoughts.

and thanks for any crits everyone/anyone..

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My post for the rebon battle in the toy battle thread and other peices, done recently.





2010 ALL THE ABOVE random



2010 anthem peice random



2010 hiphop piece tried to go for an oldskool feel.



2011 crater peice



2011 crater throwie, yeah i know it needs work.



2011 crater candy bomb



2011 youtube battle piece AWAKE




If you want me to show more just ask ;)

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Your letters are always solid Darkeist but i wanna see you freak them out a bit. Let your shit be off a bit and just see what comes out cos ure structure is on point to me. Go a bit crazy and if its shit scrap it but i guarantee that there will be something you like about it and thats the shit you wanna refine. I dunno, im no better than you man, its just something someone told me and it rings true in my head. No Beef, no shit.


Some words from an egoless toy lol...

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these last few posts have been a let down,even for the toy thread..you guys need practice,practice and practice and practice or you'll end up like me,ive been drawing for years and i suck.because i DO NOT PRACTICE EVERY DAY LIKE I SHOULD..seriously need to get into my old habits.you should all be drawing atleast 2 to 3 hours a day,atleast half of which should be spent on graffiti if you want to get some where.or all of it.whatever your into.i promise if you push yourself you will get better,and with that im off to sketch,and by sketch i mean play video games...

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BTW,when is this REBON battle over with and who is participating.



im debating whether or not to join,is freak or redeye going to do it? i think i remember them being halfway decent and if so i'll get down otherwise idk..or massgraff.one of you fucks needs to get in on this battle..if you have the time,i cant remember what you guys work looks like/

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yr only entering if people you deem worthy enter? sorry, but i don't do anything 3 hours a day. unless you want a sleep battle. i can get down with that.

EDIT: conceited shits really piss me off. go hang with the big boys if yr so sure. otherwise, get the fuck out.

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i never said i was the shit so you can both quit trippin.i just wanted to know if they were down or not.because id like to battle them,personally.i know those cats have skills and want to see whats up.thats all.i wasnt downing any of you cats.so you can both chill the fuck out.






sketches,both are old.hate on them if you want.

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woo. a lot of positives for a dude with old shit and no style of their own (or an eraser). we can all copy fonts. pick the word and a due date.


word? lets compare...









sketches,both are old.hate on them if you want.



<a href=http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5054/5527948415_f505501ef8.jpg' alt='5527948415_f505501ef8.jpg'> Fume battle by EdictOner, on Flickr[/img]




like i said im not the best.im not even going to say shit.i will let the other people decide who is better between us.like i said i wasnt trying to diss you or anyone else.if you cant accept that i could really give a fuck.

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