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good,because its horrible...srsly.

























































































































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These letters are really stylish, if you had a dope 3d that would be an excellent piece.


However, DVS crew is a really legit crew in the US, with killers like Myth, Apaul, Sneke, and Hews.

Look em up on flickr, or check the game Skate 3.


Jus' sayin!

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hilarious that how high posts the worst shit, romero reposts and gets props? wtf? then he hates on actual good shit ? this popularity contest is a joke.

cruise, i think that's the dopest stuff you've ever posted. that Z to E overlap doesn't add anything, but clean steezy letters, and a fill you put real time in. go head, neg me you 15 year-old cunts.

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hilarious that how high posts the worst shit, romero reposts and gets props? wtf? then he hates on actual good shit ? this popularity contest is a joke.

cruise, i think that's the dopest stuff you've ever posted. that Z to E overlap doesn't add anything, but clean steezy letters, and a fill you put real time in. go head, neg me you 15 year-old cunts.


hilarious how umad you are about everything. are you still mad about the battle? would you like a recount? also funny, how you cannot detect sarcasm... your hate is blinding you fool. i like recneps shit. keep hating because i made you look like an ass when you got all hyper over some shit i said that wasnt even meant for you. i thought we settled this over the rebon battle..


your welcome to try me on the cunt battle then if you still have a problem with me, because i had already gotten over it, obviously you havent..

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hilarious that people still say "umad". and yr the one that originally called me out and reposted my work. i couldn't give a rat's ass if dick rider's voted for your short bus letters.


because you called me out first.im not going to fight with you,again...if you doubt who won ask people here.maybe you'll get different results. im not trying to be a dick or anything, i was being sarcastic when i said cruisers shit was horrible and i thought it was obvious.if you still have a problem with me get in on the cunt battle and we can see..






<a href=http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5172/5553092757_78b72911e5_z.jpg' alt='5553092757_78b72911e5_z.jpg'> Rebon battle by EdictOner, on Flickr[/img]
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