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This is when I used to write Teks in 09; I'm still up in the air for which name I want, but I always had trouble with the S.


I know the add-ons are pointless, but I ALWAYS stayed simple.


I guess I just wanted to try something new.




Any pointers/feedback would be much appreciated.


@ Seto, I'm feeling the O; the T, and the E.


I would say just work on the K, so it's consistent with the rest.


take out all the arrows/add-ons. also, fix the K. the bottom right leg should come out of the top right bar, not the backbone, or have the top right bar come out of the bottom right leg.

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and also everytime i try to add a swirl thing or an arrow to it instead of just a line, it comes out lookin weird.. any advice?


This is because you dont have letter structure down. thats what people mean by that, a solid add-on should pretty much incorporate the letter structure itself and not make it look deformed...


thats what people mean by work on simples, you learn what MAKES a D O and an E, and you can pretty much go crazy with your letters while keeping their structure intact...

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mos- stop trying to draw a picture ok? you dont draw the letter you draw each bar of the letter. for an E you would draw the main right bar, then add on three bars sticking out know what i mean?


doe- some of your throws were solid enough but those pieces have way too many arrows


enor- your on the right path, n is crooked and the o shouldnt overlap when the other letters dont


kote-dope as usual


teks- letters are almost there. lose the random arrows


scoe- its clean but its not really my style


had bad writers block recently so tried to do a piece in the same style as an aplus piece. basically bit the a but it helped get rid of the writers block



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mos- stop trying to draw a picture ok? you dont draw the letter you draw each bar of the letter. for an E you would draw the main right bar, then add on three bars sticking out know what i mean?


doe- some of your throws were solid enough but those pieces have way too many arrows


enor- your on the right path, n is crooked and the o shouldnt overlap when the other letters dont


kote-dope as usual


teks- letters are almost there. lose the random arrows


scoe- its clean but its not really my style


had bad writers block recently so tried to do a piece in the same style as an aplus piece. basically bit the a but it helped get rid of the writers block




bottom page bump

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yeh throw it away.

























haha sorry man just kidding... the bend in the e doesnt match the bend in the s, it's too curvy. id also lose the center thing on the e...or the bend... but the fills pretty tight and overall clean, a lot better than you started with, good improvement i know its mad hard not to throw in random shit and keep it somewhat simple...




here's a quick unfinished sketch for 'enor' and some random shit i did today at different periods of time during work...


sorry, no confidential information, haha...

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yo mad drips. i see the other shit you talk in brick slayers, and if thats the heat your coming with id keep my mouth shut. simpler. do your tag in all capitals. simple simple. simple. simple. as many times as possible. till you literally have a blister on your finger from where you hold your pen. im serious. not trying to be a dick. that is the gods honest truth

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