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Yeah, I know, I know. I felt like shit after doing it though, if that means anything. I tore the sketch up and threw it in the trash.


I'm working on some originals at the moment, but won't have them done until I get some new markers; mine all died, lol.


Sorry for bitin' though; I felt like shit about it, and I'm not doing that shit again. It was crazy disrespectful too, and that's not my style.


Thanks for calling me out on it though, guys. I know that sounds weird, but thank you.

dont throw your shit away. this is garbage but you can learn from your mistakes. its always good to look back and see how much you've developed

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You really, really need to stick to paper for now, man. Start with simples, aka keyboard letters. Don't start painting just yet, man; it's better to do simples for a year, or ten years in your blackbook if you have to, rather than start painting too early. It will only make you look like a fool, trust me on that one. Just start doing keyboard simples in your blackbook, and eventually you will start to see how to effectively tweak them and make them your own style.


As for your painting, the letters need to be proportionate; you have random spots where the letter is thicker or thinner than other spots on that letter, or letters; try to keep them all the same height ad width, relatively. The random angles and extensions of the letters don't make sense either; do to one letter what you do to another, and the piece will flow. Also, work on can control; I do this now, even though I'm a toy and don't even paint yet: get some old wood boards, or canvas, or something, and just work on can control; work on painting simple letters, like the alphabet, so that when your sketches are good enough for you to start painting, you have the basics of how to paint well, nailed down! But DON'T go out and paint yet; just work on it on plywood and canvas and stuff.


I know it's frustrating, but it will come with time and practice. Practice, practice, practice. I'm in the same boat as you are; eager to go and lay paint down, but it's not your time yet, man. Stick to your blackbook, and stick to keyboard simples; post them up, we'll critique them, and help you along as best as we can.


I hope this helps.

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critts? been trying something new


This one isn't half bad, actually. The S, and the E are solid for the most part, but the C and the O could use some work.


S: Watch your proportions; try to maintain a relatively even width throughout the body of the letter. There's a few small ares where you got noticeably wider or thinner. Also, try not to jut the center right curve of the letter out so far (the part the blocks part of the C).


C: Again, watch the proportions. Get rid of the extension at the top of the letter, and bring the top bar of it down towards the O a little more.


O: Again, watch the proportions, and watch your angles too; some of them don't flow with the rest of the letter(s). Also, make a solid connection at the bottom of the letter, instead of that gapped area like you have. Try to make the letter less...curvy, and more rounded block like the C. And lose the extension at the top of the letter; make the entire thing a solid letter.


E: Just watch the proportions and it's golden to me. Maybe make the extension at the top of the letter jut down towards the second "leg" of the letter more, and jut less towards the sky at the start of it...that's probably hard to understand.


Other than those minor things, it's not really that bad to me. Watch your lines too; some of them waver and shake quite a bit; turn the paper if necessary to get solid lines.


The second sketch wasn't that great at all; for that one, I suggest you make them straighter, and simpler (like keyboard letters).


I hope this helps you. :)

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if that piece took 45 minutes, you need some serious practice. Speed is the name of this game.

Straight letter simples shouldn't take more than 10 or 15 minutes.

Speaking of, do straight simples for a while. Your structure is ugly.


*edit - new posts are wack also. This is the point where you either get mad and leave or humble yourself and take some advice to make yourself better.

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The end of the T looks weird. Almost like an M if you use the bottom of the R.




Also, look at how the 3d lines up. It's not straight and the boxes I've highlighted (using MS paint :D) show the difference in the size of 3d and then I just highlighted the bottom of the T cause I don't think it works.


EDIT: Continued highlighting the 3d (not posting pics cbf'd) and the 3d for the top half of the piece gets a different focal point aswell.

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