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being a self established conaseur of cracks, i can help you out a little... you have established a nice form of placement, now use the negative space wihin the actual crack to make the letters look bigger, or fill them with actual surface, as in the fill of the actual letter, and surround those areas by closing them in a little with smaller pieces and particles, as if the letter were actually crumbling, for that is in essence the goal of cracks in letters; creating the feeling that a strong letter structure is so fresh, its actually destroying itself.


keep up the good work makr... shit looks proper!




DM!, you can officially stop giving any advice dude.


dude you got far to into explaining that

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dog. your letters look like turds.


clean up, progress, then have your say.


you can consult my letter structure for further details.


i know ur better than me, but i shouldnt not give advice just bcuz im toy. i know some stufz.


and ur flicks arre dope. nice charak.

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being a self established conaseur of cracks, i can help you out a little... you have established a nice form of placement, now use the negative space wihin the actual crack to make the letters look bigger, or fill them with actual surface, as in the fill of the actual letter, and surround those areas by closing them in a little with smaller pieces and particles, as if the letter were actually crumbling, for that is in essence the goal of cracks in letters; creating the feeling that a strong letter structure is so fresh, its actually destroying itself.


keep up the good work makr... shit looks proper!




DM!, you can officially stop giving any advice dude.


regrardless, you've looked wayyyy to much into the topic of cracks.

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for this fuckin lame ass tournament battle that no one is doing anymore.



something i did pretty quickly but i was surprised how well it came out. i wasn't even planning on sketching something to post, but i like it.



crits all around please.

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yo duse... those cracks and highlights dont really match. it looks dope, but the highlights give it a smooth shiny texture and the cracks give it a.. well rockish texture? lol idk man.


honestly i like what purplestain sent me when i asked for help with cracks:





make sure to cut your lines!

next, add normal size lines that look like big cracks, dont try to make them small yet,


i added a little sumthin else too but dont worry about that


THEN, using your fill color, cut the crack lines carefuly til their at a good skinny size, and make little hole type things on the edges




to make them look real, shade around the edges with your outline color really carefuly, and really softly




add your 3d and forcefield, and shade the rest of the letter to match your crack, and your done


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hey aegis I'm not sure about the middle of the E, looks a bit squashed somehow


heres the latest. My scanner is doing some wierd shit lately. look how the middle of the letters gets lighter, well thats not a marker effect thats the scanner. also the character came out white in places. anyway whatever here it is ...crits ^_^


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