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Everything posted by TheResignation00

  1. Everything looks good dude and I like your color scheme but that extension on the S just throws the whole thing off.
  2. I dont know what happened to those letters. They got shaken by an earthquake or some shit. Simples.
  3. I know, there's already a REKS who kills me. Give me crits anyway
  4. God damnit REKS. Come into the thread and make us all look like fuckheads. :D
  5. Your s and 3d is getting better. I cant decide if I like the "cut along line" thing or if i hate it. haha
  6. Your L needs a little work. Little bit to screwy. I almost thought it was supposed to be a W
  7. I'm down. I write REKS. Im pretty bad with handys though.
  8. Dont make the f ane e so rounded. and the pointy at the end. Unifoorrrm. do simples first dude.
  9. Reppin the 785 Larryville, KS. (Lawrence) Right outside KCK
  10. Hey REKS! I don't get on here often, but I've been writing REKS for about a year now... I'm far more toy than you, so if you have a problem with it, ill change my name. But if you dont have a problem with it, do you mind if i post some of my shit?
  11. Hhahahahahahahahaha. ERRY BODY BE SWEATIN DIS NIKKA OMGGGG Hey Optick, I don't write as well as you do, but you sure as hell are WAY more toy personality wise than I will ever be. Keep it up G. Oh, and all these "nikkas" that you're calling TOYS actually go out and GET UP. Maybe you should try that shit.
  12. Thanks man. I realize that every time I write im progressing slowly, but surely. Thanks for the width tip. It's something I subconsciously knew was wrong, but couldn't find immediately.
  13. So i got rid of the stupid leg on the R, made it bigger. No 3d. Now, any direction on how to tweak my R? Cuz everything I do sucks apparently.
  14. I dont know what you guys think but I think I'm getting a TINY bit better.
  15. Kinda adapting my name. I dont really like the flow of RESCA. Might keep changing shit up...
  16. You already got a reply. Everyone agrees. Those are not letters. Do simples.
  17. Hey Sone thanks for puttin it up man. It looks sick. Im sorry mine blows.
  18. Do straight letters for the next two weeks. or longer. it helps a lot.
  19. Whos the dude that was doing the trade with me? I wanna seeeeethat shittt.
  20. Cant wait to see your sketch man. Hook me up asap. Sorry mine was so...toy...haha.
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