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And cola... you've been here for how many months? cut the shit. you have not taken ANY advice i've seen given to you. Get off your ass and start taking some.


co-signed, not to be a dick, ive seen you on hte forum for sooooooo long, and not all the most imporvment, doing a philly style doesnt make it good, you got to take some advice more seriously, and i know your a young kid, but theres not really much of a age barrier for this type of stuff:scrambled:

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yo people ive posted like 4 pieces been here 2weeks i got 1 fuking crit, and u guys r saying take advice... god i would (thank u mikey) if people would give it more often...

other than tht if ur not talken to me then, ive been writing for 8months now and i can get a simple down but im still trying to find my style, i still havnt found one, and ive been blindley doing new shit, trying new things...but idk wat to do..is it normal for people to not have a style afetr 8months or was tht a stupid question? guys be honest

other than tht base:

tht 1rst one is cooooool!

loving the colors

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yo people ive posted like 4 pieces been here 2weeks i got 1 fuking crit, and u guys r saying take advice... god i would (thank u mikey) if people would give it more often...

other than tht if ur not talken to me then, ive been writing for 8months now and i can get a simple down but im still trying to find my style, i still havnt found one, and ive been blindley doing new shit, trying new things...but idk wat to do..is it normal for people to not have a style afetr 8months or was tht a stupid question? guys be honest

other than tht base:

tht 1rst one is cooooool!

loving the colors


dude, dont post on the internet asking for a critique and just expect eveyone to be super supportive and cater to your every need. if you havent noticed, most everyone giving the crit say the exact same "go simple" spiel.


and its not like your gonna just POP! find a sick style out of nowhere, you develop a style after practicing. draw a lot! start filling up a sketchbook. dont post anything online, and when your book is COMPLETELY full look back at when you started and judge how far you have come. take a look at what you did wrong at first, then look at how you made it better. then take a look at what your still doing wrong, then work on that. it takes time, just draw!

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co-signed, not to be a dick, ive seen you on hte forum for sooooooo long, and not all the most imporvment, doing a philly style doesnt make it good, you got to take some advice more seriously, and i know your a young kid, but theres not really much of a age barrier for this type of stuff:scrambled:


what advice

i havent gotten a solid crit in a while..

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Yeah I've painted exactly once lol. I found a REALLY chill spot though since I just moved and I went exploring yesterday. So I'll probably be painting a lot more there... Plus I found out how easy it is to steal paint from my Home Depot. No security stickers so they don't beep or anything (I've tried it while I was there with my parents). So yeah, maybe soon


What happened to Amkah?

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