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Thankfully, I racked some nice Prismas and got some sick colors as well as a blender (I think I might have taken 2 on accident) so yeah... I might actually color something for once!


Well, there's this one armed girl in my Spanish class and this is what I always think of whenever I see her... Yeah, I think I'm fucked up in the head..


"look ma, no hands, i cutted thems off"





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hey, uhh "hey i got a flow yo" you suck, practice makes better. i cant say you'll get perfect. go on and keep on doing what your doing but tweak it up according to good shit you see. and for gods sake loose the blob of shit at the bottom throwing up.

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hey asshole try to fucking read i didnt bomb i just TAGGED, you stupid piece of shit yea i have a pathetic town but i could really give a shit about that, sorry for being proud of tagging and getting up i forgot im not allowed to express emotions to people who rip me apart just so they feel they have a purpose

and there ARE NO THROWS IN MY TOWN so how about you just shut the fuck up before making any assumptions you'll never be able to back up, you waste of life


Its amazing how a Kid as BAD as you suddenly gets a huge head and is telling other people to shut the fuck up and how bad they suck. Get your fucking panties out of a bunch and use a shovel get the sand out of your cunt, cause your shit isnt worth being proud about, If you're "TAGGING" the town congradulations, you have taken over your farming town and now are KING.


Get over it kid and get a dose of reality, your shit stinks worse than most toys so dont walk around with your head held high. Take more time to shut the fuck up and listen before you talk. You might learn somthing.

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Its amazing how a Kid as BAD as you suddenly gets a huge head and is telling other people to shut the fuck up and how bad they suck. Get your fucking panties out of a bunch and use a shovel get the sand out of your cunt, cause your shit isnt worth being proud about, If you're "TAGGING" the town congradulations, you have taken over your farming town and now are KING.


Get over it kid and get a dose of reality, your shit stinks worse than most toys so dont walk around with your head held high. Take more time to shut the fuck up and listen before you talk. You might learn somthing.


since when do i have to be good to tell people to shut the fuck up?

im pretty sure i didnt say you sucked retard

and i dont have my head held high no where did i imply that i thought my stuff was good EVER

i know i suck more than anyone on the site but you dont have to be such a fucking asshole about it how do i learn something by listening to faggots like you just say your an idiot whos like 12 years old and sucks at life and graffiti kill yourself please

i was proud i TAGGED no where did i say i was proud of my tag try reading at something higher than a 3rd grade level

and i guess that whole shovel thing was just an attempt at humor whatever it was i was amazed at the amount of failure

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