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Seriously... names that aren't taken (as far as google searching "name + graff" is concerned):


KMART (great letters to work with there too!)

DUBYA (great letters too and imagine the characters!)

SANTA (great letters and tons of character possibilities)

THERMOS (excellent letters and I forsee great opportunities to hit up so many thermos's)


Wanna make a real impression? FUCKNUT is not taken







There is a GONZO but he sucks so bad... anyone could take that name and burn him...














I could go on and on... really, is it that difficult to find and use a name that isn't taken? That's in just five minutes off the top of my head. For real, your name doesn't have to mean anything! It's the letters in it that are important! The letters have to look good, otherwise nobody gives a shit how clever your name is (and before you ask, CLEVER, KLEVER, KLEVR, et al are taken).


Now maybe some smartass is going to do a little more research than I did and find that SOME of these names may even be taken. Or maybe there's a famous writer in there I haven't heard of. The point is, they aren't ALL taken. I'd wager MOST of them are completely available.


So fuck that shit. There is no excuse. Sorry. Not buying it.



i never thought of looking up names like that. annd i hate it. i was throwing ralph around but now im not.


so im trying out eurf (like earth but say it like you cant say the th.)





no but seriously.... im just trying to make a funny






and thats the first thing that popped out. i like my bombs to be readable. but im going to let it evolve tonight in class.


let me know if this is already used, and imput. or draw somethign real quick if youre bored idk

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cola, i see your pen calmed down a little. you should now play with those bubble letters more. tweak them out, overlap, maybe work them into a character. you ever look at felon's work? check him out, you might get some inspiration from his style.


you mean like faces?

eh i think they sorta played out unless you come up with something original/or do it right

illl check him out though and try that idea thanks

bump for freak n case he hasent seen


and freak if you wanna do me one i write zers but you dont have to if you dont have enough time or something

and that worms shit is dope above me but it looks hella like this mono piece

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