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CNUE, do you and DUSE paint together? i see you throwing his name out in some of your work. if so, the two of you need to start hitting freights when you get your cans in control. both of you have serious freight styles. have fun on them walls, but seriously, you two need to hit the yards.


also, just for the record, i fucking suck with cans. i probably won't post an actual piece in here for a while. i've got people showing me though, so i should be doing ok sooner than later. i just wanted to state that, so i'm not fronting around. that's why i came to the "toy thread." i'm sure this thread has seen plenty of kids pulling that shit.


yeah man. i've hit a couple of frieghts since the winter started (and new england winters can start anywhere from august to january, as you know haha). once the spring comes around i'll be piecing alot more. most of the winter is just spent bombing and throwing hollows and fills left and right since being out in 15 degree weather for more than a few minutes sucks. i'm getting flicks of some of my bombs tomorrow or wednesday, so ill flick those on here i guess, or if you want to PM me.



ill post more sketches tonight.

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i found a set of prismacolor pencils in my room the other day, so i decided why not use them. ive never been a fan of any art in colored pencil. the texture irritates me.


second one has uGly ColoRzzz!!! yeah. so feel free to state that again and again and again and again


third one=random painting i finished 2 weeks ago.

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cnue: you said you wanted to see some simples from me. my idea of simples is just sitting down and doing shit off the cuff, quick doodles, retard shit. hope this is what you're talking about. as for the name game --i'm not using these, so don't tell me about someone else who's working those letters on another level. it's all just shit i'm playing with on paper.














self portrait:


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thanks cnue --i knew my fellow massholes would appreciate it. it's funny, i basically grew up in providence rhode island. the accent is different from boston (bahston), but not by much. i moved up to upstate new york two and a half years ago. people are constantly calling me out on my accent. one girl asked where i was from, when i said Mass, she replied with "oh that explains it, i thought you were just some ghetto kid." i don't even talk ghetto --know what i'm saying, son, know what i'm saying? sheeeeiit. straight politicking.

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cnue: you said you wanted to see some simples from me. my idea of simples is just sitting down and doing shit off the cuff, quick doodles, retard shit. hope this is what you're talking about. as for the name game --i'm not using these, so don't tell me about someone else who's working those letters on another level. it's all just shit i'm playing with on paper.














self portrait:



no offence but the m's look like they have cocks. had to be said

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yeah, i know that. i guess i find it kind of funny in a grade school kind of way. i used to fuck around with the name "NUTZ" --and i'd make the T look like a cock n' balls. i didn't take any offense to it man, you're pointing out the obvious --it's cool. if you had said, "that M looks like a dick, you faggot." then i would have taken offense.

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