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pace, you keep doing the same letters, which i'm sure is good practice for you. when you say "where to go from here" --my advice would be to try something new. try a different style than what you're doing. break free from that, and explore inside your head for something different. this isn't a diss man, i'm just saying you should try and do something new from what you've been posting --just an exercise for yourself i guess. you seem to have those letters down, who cares if the P is lower or higher than the rest. it's pretty much set.

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toys are mad funny,, you guys should just get drunk off 40oz then walk around with black and white cheap water paint and do fills everywhere, every bridge, every wall, every trailer within 5miles of you crib, before you turn 18, if you get caught say this is my first time, you were just copying some other guy that was spraying around town, pretend your lost and you dont know what there saying,

---thats what I did, and I have been painting since 1998. ----and donnt sell your soul for a GIRL.

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