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SON OF A BITCH I SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!




well...actually i have seen worse but all in all i think it came out good.

this is my 1st sketch ever with colors and lettering and everything. if you cant read it I write STIN5 so yea I'm still toy but i like how this turned out


:edit: yes i know i misspelled color

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Here's some advice, se-rhythm.




See, this is a common mistake in graffiti. Cats think every piece is different letters. It's not. Each piece is some variation of the same letters. True some writers have more than one set but you start simple, draw the same letters EXACTLY THE SAME OVER AND OVER and as you master those letters, you begin to develop skill with connections, fills, flow, extensions... all that good shit.


But if you constantly draw different shit each time you are not really practicing.


You have to MASTER those damn letters the same every time until you hate them.


I keep saying this over and over.


I hope some of you mother fuckers are listening because doing this really will make you better.

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stins... big up for coming with simple letters. You guys should all take note and pay attention to how that cat composed his letters.


Your 3D is way off, though.


3D needs to make sense like the letters are carved blocks of wood. Pick one vanishing point and only one. If you don't quite get 3D yet, DON'T DO 3D! Do a drop shadow or nothing at all other than the letters.

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bugs... paint skills are actually pretty impressive. Nice and clean letters.


But the letters themselves... need work.


But big up for keeping it simple.


thx for the critz. nice to see some positive feed back. thx for the advise. ive been workin on my letters for a while now. just tryin to get a little help developing.

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I fail at painting... Halfassed rushed 3d and everything...




:edit: Hahahahahaha, look at the top and bottom 3d's of my K... I suck


nah that looks pretty good for a first peice. letters are well structured. just need to paint more. get ur can control.

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