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as you can now see all of you toys.... every name has been used before.... i mean every name that is a real word...



Yea... Like me hahahaaaa


But he's got a point! If you pick a word that exist, Im pretty sure someone writes it, will write it or wrote it already.


Newkoncept was my original name - Try bombing that! Way too fucken long, so it evolved into Newkon. Newkon - a word that I created, which keeps me in the clear. Also the word Newkon allows me to do crazy peices with it... Newkoncept, Newkonputer, Newconverse, Newmexicon, Newkondom - Shit it make my productions fun because I can play with those themes.


Think out side the bubble fellas and that original name will find you!:D

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That SATIRE was me.


From my toy years.


It's my website. I mean, click on my profile.


So, as you can still see (and I've looked many times since I started using that name four years ago) that there ARE real words that aren't taken.


If there's another Torgo, that's cool. I only use that in books for fun (big fan of MST3K, where the other person had to have gotten it).


But who said it had to be a real word?


Not me.


My point is that there are a million combinations of letters out there. More combinations than there are writers.


Sure, if you pick something obvious like PSYCHO or VANDAL or BOMBER you're going to be picking something taken. But who says you can't write SYLVR or KLETTU which both have great letters and are not taken by anyone I can find on google.


Those are just random examples I found in a measly two seconds worth of google searching.


So, bottom line, there's plenty of stuff not taken. Just get creative and remember, it's the letters in the word that are more important than the word. You supply the meaning of the word yourself.

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Since all of you with be sitting and playing with your new barbie dolls tommorrow, lets have another battle (since some of you missed the last one) What better way to pass the time in the car to grannys then DRAWING..MAKE YOUR ENTRY FITTING TO THE SEASON, WHATEVER YOUR PERSONAL BELIEFS ARE INCLUDE THEM.... WE IS MULTI CULTURAL BITCHES.. Holiday Battle flix due to me on the 27th... lets go boys!!!!

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