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Those Junk simples are a good start. Keep that up.


I'm just curious why so many of you (and this is a "if the shoe fits" comment) have such scribbly letters. I mean, never mind being able to compose letters... if you can't draw a straight line stop now. Go try something else.


If your letters look like you were riding a roller coaster while blindfolded holding the pen in your teeth during a seizure in an earthquake, what the fuck is wrong with you? STOP! YOU WILL NOT GET BETTER!


Spend a little time on your shit. That's how you get familiar with it. It's a zen thing.


Again, that comment was not pointed at everyone. You know who you are.


Just slow down. It's not a race. Spend a little time learning your letters. Now is when you grasp the basics and find things out.

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Nah man.. thats tight, I like the drip one...It's hard to make a throwie that has no holes but makes awesome styles...You better than other people...jus go to sum previous pages of this thread and see(THE TOYNESS...IT HURTS......:D)


haha thanks it kinda easy for me do do throwies even though i just started you just get use to it i mostly write silvia but im going back and forth from silvia to drip ill just do both haha and pointers for the silvias?

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