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Originally posted by iquit@Nov 23 2004, 05:30 AM

i use macs, so there arent too many games. but blizzard usually brings the funk. diablo was fuckin fun as hell and warcraft and starcraft are cool but a little too complicated for me.


i'd like to check out WOW but it looks complicated and... overwhelming.


this game is more like diablo than any other blizzard game


+ it = the fun


*edit: and it supports macs =P

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Guest Pilau Hands

my brother got me all into WC3 and i'm addicted now. seriously.

we tested wow and it was alright...i'm not much of a rpg fan so it was kind of annoying having to kill 95 boars to level up or whatever. i think i'll stic with wc3 so no monthly fee




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