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Originally posted by casekonly@Nov 22 2004, 11:33 PM

i call it "the jessica alba surprise". if ms. alba is not available, you may substitute a bottle of jim beam and a bunch of tears.




you bastard.


and what hollywood genius decided to cast her as the Invisible woman?

why would you do that?

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Originally posted by <KEY3>+Nov 23 2004, 02:34 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (<KEY3> - Nov 23 2004, 02:34 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-casekonly@Nov 22 2004, 11:33 PM

i call it "the jessica alba surprise". if ms. alba is not available, you may substitute a bottle of jim beam and a bunch of tears.




you bastard.


and what hollywood genius decided to cast her as the Invisible woman?

why would you do that?



talk about a big mistake....if you can't see it....i mean, what's the point?

i think we should start a letter writing campaign...maybe they will recast some ugly actress...or someone not quite as hot

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maybe she goes invisible in stages... starting with her clothes!!!!

That would be some great VFX...... oh snap.... They guys doing the VFX

for that movie are clients of mine. She will be mine!

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thanks for that link casek. and i would never buy a dell desktop but the xps and 9100 laptops both are 2 of the better gaming machines and i can upgrade this laptop with ease, once i make some more money i am going for a 256mb video card.

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Originally posted by <KEY3>@Nov 23 2004, 02:39 PM



maybe she goes invisible in stages... starting with her clothes!!!!

That would be some great VFX...... oh snap.... They guys doing the VFX

for that movie are clients of mine. She will be mine!


not if i get to her first......



spectr: no problem. i wonder how many people will even notice that?

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Guest mikro137

casek , i have a question for you.


i ewas rebuilding my parents machine today , and for some fucking reason it wont boot after i do the pre install shit , i keep getting critical errors , what not total bullshit , any ideas here.

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Yeah I do have a shitfuck celeron processor.

Well the new computer would probably be for my business, unless I reformat this one and use the other one for gaming and whatnot.

I'm not really sure what I want to do anymore.



I got a new question, my caps lock key is all of the sudden reversed. It lights up for lower case and goes off for upper case. What gives?

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no clue guicci might have hit some other button on your keyboard, your celeron is good for nothing but surfing the net and i dont know how well it can even do that, i would sell it to some sucker and build a decent desktop, if you look you can find a barebones p4 for less then 100 and then spend a couple hundred for everything else and have a much better machine for 300.

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Originally posted by mikro137@Nov 23 2004, 09:36 PM

casek , i have a question for you.


i ewas rebuilding my parents machine today , and for some fucking reason it wont boot after i do the pre install shit , i keep getting critical errors , what not total bullshit , any ideas here.

hey micro what are the errors saying? what did you do to the computer when you rebuilt it?

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Hm I never realized how much a piece of shit my computer is, it works pretty fine even for playing Halo. I always have the best ping and merk everyone.


I think I might lean toward dropping maybe a grand or so and building my own jawn, with one of them sick custom boxes and shit. With a dope ass flatscreen.

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Guest mikro137
Originally posted by spectr+Nov 23 2004, 09:54 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (spectr - Nov 23 2004, 09:54 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-mikro137@Nov 23 2004, 09:36 PM

casek , i have a question for you.


i ewas rebuilding my parents machine today , and for some fucking reason it wont boot after i do the pre install shit , i keep getting critical errors , what not total bullshit , any ideas here.

hey micro what are the errors saying? what did you do to the computer when you rebuilt it?




cyclical redundancy errors , problems with a MBR taht wont go away , shit liek taht , all bizzare shit that i cant really explain , because my cd is good , and XP was installed once already on this machine. more or less i was upgrading the HDD and installing fresh , all run of the mill shit , and all of the sudden on a fresh HDD theres a MBR . what the fuck. the cyclic redundancy error i understand (sorta , not in this case , because the cd is good) but the killer is , 2000 installs no problems at all. but i even tried to upgrade and i get this shit that looks like when partitions and other shit load in safe mode. i dont know , its a fucking mess.

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hmm? well i would say check your master/slave settings but you can install 2000, try reseting your bios? booting back to a dos prompt running fdisk, then installing cd drivers from a floppy then running the xp install. also does your cd work on other computers? might be your xp cd.

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Guest mikro137
Originally posted by spectr@Nov 23 2004, 10:27 PM

hmm? well i would say check your master/slave settings but you can install 2000, try reseting your bios? booting back to a dos prompt running fdisk, then installing cd drivers from a floppy then running the xp install. also does your cd work on other computers? might be your xp cd.



the master slave situation is ok , i know the cd works , because i have installed it numerous times recently. the bios is the wonderful compaq bios that sucks ass really bad. i have no control over boot settings etc. its for sure something to do with that , im almost certain , but like i siad it installed no problems once before , so i dont know what the deal is , im just glad i saved the old hard disk.

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Guest mikro137

well after formatting the jammy on another machine , i didnt have said MBR , but its still not working. i dunno i dont even care now , because im moving on saturday , so fuuuuck it.

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Organization: SPS

Registration code:



Gucci.. This code doesn't seem to work anymore..It worked the first time I tried it, but I had some problems(I spoke about earlier) and lost the program.. Do you know of any others key's?

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Originally posted by TPSR?@Nov 25 2004, 02:19 AM



Organization: SPS

Registration code:



Gucci.. This code doesn't seem to work anymore..It worked the first time I tried it, but I had some problems(I spoke about earlier) and lost the program.. Do you know of any others key's?


hey just edit your registry unless its xp. and change the dates i know you all are smart enough to do that or google it to do that if they offer free trials for full versions its for keeps from there.

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ok casek

i hope you have an a+ certification for this one


i was using an abit kt7a-raid motherboard with an athlon 800mhz

one day my computer becomes very hot

and then it turns off

and doesnt turn back on

i figure i blew out the power supply

bought a new case + power supply

didnt fix the problem

bought a new cpu

didnt fix the problem

bought a new motherboard and cpu

that fixed the problem



if you still need a processor, holler at me

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Originally posted by dojafx@Nov 25 2004, 03:32 AM

ok casek

i hope you have an a+ certification for this one


i was using an abit kt7a-raid motherboard with an athlon 800mhz

one day my computer becomes very hot

and then it turns off

and doesnt turn back on

i figure i blew out the power supply

bought a new case + power supply

didnt fix the problem

bought a new cpu

didnt fix the problem

bought a new motherboard and cpu

that fixed the problem



if you still need a processor, holler at me

hey i got my a+ cert so what lights you got on that board? lights are in the back. give me all info.

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Guest mikro137

its really only a pain in the ass not to have it. to get a job based on A+ alone is impossible , you have to have software certs to back it up. but not having it , hurts you in the job hunt.

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A+, i got no software certs right now, i dont see why i should get any either, fuck em they dont want to hire me i will sick my army of undead legions on thier asses that will teach em.

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Can someone answer this question?


I have a hard drive that apparently got fried. Sure, the computer was messed up, but it ran well enough for me to burn .wav cds. I rarely ever touched this computer, and whenever I did, it ran (almost) fine.


Then one day my brother tells me that the computer is fried. Like, he turned it on and blue screen showed up, and there was no OS.


Now, the computer is at his friend's house. What I'm trying to do is get the HD back, for there is a ton of mp3s on there that I don't want to lose.


If I get this back, will there be chance of data recovery? And if there is, how much will it cost? It's a 20GB hard drive with only 11GB of music that I want to recover.


I'd imagine that it costs a whole lot, but if you guys have any idea, I'd be appreciative to hear.

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Guest mikro137
Originally posted by Weapon X@Nov 25 2004, 07:15 PM

Can someone answer this question?


I have a hard drive that apparently got fried. Sure, the computer was messed up, but it ran well enough for me to burn .wav cds. I rarely ever touched this computer, and whenever I did, it ran (almost) fine.


Then one day my brother tells me that the computer is fried. Like, he turned it on and blue screen showed up, and there was no OS.


Now, the computer is at his friend's house. What I'm trying to do is get the HD back, for there is a ton of mp3s on there that I don't want to lose.


If I get this back, will there be chance of data recovery? And if there is, how much will it cost? It's a 20GB hard drive with only 11GB of music that I want to recover.


I'd imagine that it costs a whole lot, but if you guys have any idea, I'd be appreciative to hear.



thre letters and one word


ERD commander.


basicly when a machine blue screens you have 3 options , do a roll back of the last know good configuration , or hook it up as a slave on another machine or use the ERD commander disk (available on various p2p search engines and torrent sites) basicly erd commander is a boot disk , and it allows you to transfer files through a network, recover passwords , fix driver conflicts etc through a scaled down version of windows xp. its a handy thing to have around. but probally the easiest solution is just slaving the drive and copying the files. if that doesnt work (because the drive is physicly broken) then 11 gigs of mp3s are not worth the time or money associated with calling a data recovery specialist.

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