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havent rode the sunset yet, but everyone that has rode it tells me its really hard to avoid a complicated ride. Border will pull you off and chances are you will be in the middle of nowhere. Hitchin rides in the desert must suck.


ive been back and forth more than a few times and its not really a problem. ive been spotted 3 times by them always going east. 1 time they ran ids and the train was rolling again in like 3 minutes with us on it. other time we chose to get off in el paso when a guy saw us. no one came around to fuck with us but i didnt want to chance it. other time one guy drove up to the unit to ask if it was ok if i stay on and the crew said no the border patrol didnt give a shit if was on the train. i took a nap right where they kicked me off and waited for another train to stop and got on that one. the dudes who caught me told me they wouldnt be around and to go ahead and do what i need to do...

i hear all these kicked off in the middle of nowhere stories and bad stories in general and i always wonder if the people getting the boot were being dicks to whoever caught them. because ive been caught by bulls and city cops and never been hassled really other than MAYBE a ticket and thats just part of the game so im not even mad about that shit. everyone whos ever caught me on a train has been pretty fucking nice actually.

going west on the sunset is one of the chillest rides ive had.

had much more trouble getting through havre last summer.

words words words.

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^true that. Id rather be warm then freezing todeath, plus i dont think ins is going to take your food, but i wouldnt know, since iv just gotten in to train hoppin and havent road long distances


it gets cold in the desert too.

my water froze solid between el paso and tucson and thats a short fuckin ride.


the coldest and hottest rides ive had have both been on that route as a matter of fact.

nothing like july heat between yuma and tucson.


never again.

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From Flatcar Frank:


NAME: Raymond Tylicki


Alias': Ray Tylicki AKA "Rapid Transit", "Rapid-T," "Transit Train," "Railroad Postoffice," and numerous others.




He is seriously mentally ill and has a significant problem with authority figures. He is very rude and very confrontational in just everyday personal interactions and in situations when he is caught breaking the law. In the recent past, he has been involved in a number of incidents where he threatened police officers, railroad special agents and railroad employees.


Unfortunately, due to Tylicki's antisocial behavior, whoever is with him gets into trouble too. He is a pathological thief and shoplifts in almost every establishment into which he goes. He just doesn't care that anyone who is with him gets in trouble too. In 2000 he attended the National Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa. He had numerous conflicts with both tramps and townspeople. He was caught several times attempting to steal money out of a donation box, and finally told to leave camp and not return. (This is VERY rare at Britt.)


He was caught by shopping mall security in a Florida shopping mall, fishing money out of a charity fountain, because he thought he needed the money more than the charity. He attempted to evade the security guards by throwing the coins at them and running out of the mall. They chased him down. When they caught him, he attacked one of the security guards with the sharp pointed end of an umbrella. Reportedly he got 30 days for assault and battery that time.


He was arrested by the Burlington, VT police for trespassing and resisting arrest after refusing to move from a park bench.


He was videotaped by Norfolk Southern yard video cameras stealing copper welding cables from a maintenance truck at Norfolk Southern's Bison Yards at Buffalo N.Y. He also exposed himself to NS employees at the Bison Yard, and made crude sexual suggestions to them. He has a long history of psychological problems. He is a habitual thief, and thinks it is his right to steal anything from anyone and to shoplift from any business.




He travels by freight train between the cities of Boston MA, Cleveland OH, and Chicago IL, He is a mission stiff, and stays in homeless shelters wherever he can. He has family in Solon, Ohio, but they kicked him out. He is persona non grata in every jungle, coast-to-coast. Associate with Tylicki at your own risk. For more information, check out this website: http://www.timgibbo ns.net/projects/ hobo/page_ 1.html

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(More on Tylicki from Flatcar Frank:)


Tylicki, you are a very twisted person. The CCG has NEVER been in the public domain. It belongs to one individual (And that's Train Doc--ed. K-Bar), whom you met (face-to-face) and whom you told that you wouldn't publish it. Then you went ahead and did it anyway. (Tylicki's word is WORTHLESS. He has no honor, and gets NO RESPECT.--ed. K-Bar)


The Frisco Circle can is what your hand in was when Roadkill caught you by the arm and forced you out the door. You are not welcome anywhere in any jungle. We all know about you and how you steal other people's work and pass it off as your own. The same way you are trying to conive the "amesrail" yahoo group with the so-called "rail yards book" I've informed them about you as well.


We have had a problem with you from the time we met you and you insulted Tanner City Kid's girlfriend. You are very lucky he didn't hear you, because you would have been dead.


--- In hobohistoryinfo@ yahoogroups. com, "railroadpostoffice " <railroadpostoffice @...> wrote:

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just got back to richmond from down south a couple weeks ago, heading out again in the morning to portland. taking the lowline of course.

balthazaar- youre a dumbass for wanting to go to florence or rocky mt... there is no money to be made at either of those places. north charleston is better... or maybe, just maybe, you can venture off of the mainline to somewhere and make a handfull... but i doubt it because most kids these days just ride the intermodal on the main. its a shame.

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This is a very cool site for doing photo reconnaisance of an area near a rail site. The only problem is that sometimes there are no photos displayed of an area that is extremely remote or if there is no development nearby. Type in an address, it shows a map with a little "human figure". You move the little man around and it shows you what he would be seeing if he were standing there. There is also a terrain map, aerial sattelite photos, etc.



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  • 2 weeks later...
just got back to richmond from down south a couple weeks ago, heading out again in the morning to portland. taking the lowline of course.

balthazaar- youre a dumbass for wanting to go to florence or rocky mt... there is no money to be made at either of those places. north charleston is better... or maybe, just maybe, you can venture off of the mainline to somewhere and make a handfull... but i doubt it because most kids these days just ride the intermodal on the main. its a shame.


people like you really piss me off.

riding trains isn't about where the panhandling is most profitable.

but what the fuck do I know.

I'm just an asshole.


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people like you really piss me off.

riding trains isn't about where the panhandling is most profitable.

but what the fuck do I know.

I'm just an asshole.



lets go ride trains homoerectus...


fucking jobs and houses. wtf. ftw. abcdefg.


im just givin you a hard time baby boy.

i ALMOST wish i had a real job right now.

i need to settle down somewhere for awhile and chill.


riding trains isnt about panhandling.

its about meeting up with the bobs of the world and living the good life for 2 days.



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just got back to richmond from down south




virginia isnt the south.just saying...







fuck virginia btw.






anyways there are alot of homeless people where i live.their all bat shit crazy but i sometimes use them to buy me beer.also their crazy little stories are hilarious to me.



EDIT: i know i read your comment wrong salesman but i just wanted to point out to anyone who thought virginia was part of the south.sorry.its not.you niggas are like right next to maryland for christs sake and also you niggas cant drive for shit.so fuck your state.

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i could never go train hopping.i dont like loud noises or getting helladirty.i imagine this is what it would be like if i ever did ride trains.but i have always been fascinated with it.alot of people stop off at our local yard and i see them walking the tracks and in the woods all the time...

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i could never go train hopping.i dont like loud noises or getting helladirty.i imagine this is what it would be like if i ever did ride trains..



the dirt loudness boredom long waits rain snow hellish heat jail cops people talking shit because you smell bad dogs trying to bite you homebums trying to rape you whatever... once you get on a train going somewhere all that shit doesnt even matter at all.

at least not to me.

its all worth it.


ps. sleeping on a loud ass train is way easier than everyone imagines. i sleep pretty good once i actually lay down and stop nerding out looking at the scenery rolling by. the first time i got pulled off a train that was the first thing cops asked..how do you guys sleep on these things? i lay down and close my eyes. zzzzzzzzzzzzz

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i know that the rails are alot harsher with all this 9/11 business that happened.


says who?



you could just get the boot or you could go sit in jail for a month or anything in between. ive been let go given tickets and recently spent 3 days in jail for the first time (for trains)... It depends who catches you and where and how theyre feelin that day and whether youre a dick to them. there is no way to know whats gonna happen if you get caught.


by the way those tickets have been interfering with rr property and trespassing on rr property. i have a few of those floating around out there unfortunately.

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it was just something i heard.that they are alot less friendly when it comes to tresspassers.heard if from a family member who works at a local yard.most of the rail workers i have came across are usually pretty cool guys,i stay out of their way most of the time tho.now those rail cops...fuck those guys.

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