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The Underground History of American Education-


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"An Intimate investigation into the Prison of Modern Schooling"


My Review:


An excellent read into real world experiences of the modern education system. Gatto states that the real purpose of education in america is not to educate, and not to learn. But to create drones. He aptly explains what many have already known in a clear and well defined non conspiratorial book. Enjoy!!


Sample text: "After the Civil War, utopian speculative analysis regarding isolation of children in custodial compounds where they could be subjected to deliberate molding routines, began to be discussed seriously by the Northeastern policy elites of business, government, and university life."


Read the book online for free:





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hmm. i havnt read the book but I already disagree...


In my school at least which is a normal public school we have teachers that try to teach us about the Zapatistas and how cool the green party is, to teachers who love bush. Basically all points of view are taught it seems like the teachers are pretty individualistic, not part of some facist capitalist conspiracy that wants to brainwash the minds of many.


most of them are dynamic and unique individuals concerned with helping the minds of their students grow, hell one of the teachers is a DJ on the local college radio station, she plays melt-banana and Thee Michelle Gun Elephant. How can that be fucking bad?


Mayby your school is different or somthing, or mayby I should actually read the book.

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Originally posted by suburbian bum

hmm. i havnt read the book but I already disagree...


Basically all points of view are taught it seems like the teachers are pretty individualistic, not part of some facist capitalist conspiracy that wants to brainwash the minds of many.



Actually you're missing the point. The anti-schooling "movement" (if thats what it is) sees the system of mandatory strict corriculum based schooling as a mechanism designed to create uniform perspectives and attitudes in students from the building and books down to the teachers. It does not say that learning is bad nor that teachers are in some way privy to the perceived evils of the broader system. Though you should understand that most teachers are pressured into a very acute line of teaching by administrators. Instead what it explains is that overall themes such as a sterilized version of history, or the almost mindless rote application of math, are all in place to force humans broadly to learn a certain way (and only that way) and form uniform perspectives that are non-hostile and see history and current events as a series of isolated almost fictional happenings. Its great that you have teachers deviating from this norm, but the fact is even sitting in a class room on a standard repetitious time cycle, learning the same subjects and often in the same way as the rest of the country is all a part of the problem. Its the bigger picture that is important...


Read Beneath The Wheel by Hermann Hesse

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