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strangest/craziest thing you seen while bombing...


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  • 4 weeks later...

last summer i was finishing a throwup on a rooftop downtown. there are bars along the street so of course drunk people are everywhere. i hear this commotion down the street so i take a peak and I see some fat old guy and a skinny emo kid slugging it out. stupid emo kid got his ass whipped. wish I could have recorded it too

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^that right there is pretty crazy.


myself: two cops arguing with this dude and straight rodney kinging his ass in an alley. we (buddy and i) werent actually bombing at the time, but cuttting through the alley smokin a blunt waiting to meet our third to do so. i suppose not too crazy, but craziest ive seen.

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if it's not dead bodies, it's jerking off stories...


just reminds me, walking through the subway and some big dude standing in the corner grilling us with his hand in his pants totally fucking jerking off and saying "actin' real suspicious" over and over. dude wasn't even a hobo.

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Last nite I saw a dude and a chick get out of a cab, him dressed kinda casual, her dressed like a hooker with fucking playboy bunny ear things on her head, he suddenly turns, punches her fucking sqaure in the face, takes the bunny ears off her head, puts them on himself and pegs it off down the road and leaves her there :confused:

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I saw a guy watch me get beat up


i'll try and intervene next time.;)


i saw a fluffy black kid eatin tacobell watch a dork get beat up


i don't think i've ever been described as fluffy before, but it seems oddly right:lol:


especially since i just finished eating taco bell.

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hahahah that fat guy is straight fucked up


Few weeks ago I was at a buddys house gettin blazed before hittin up the trainyard. Just as we are about to head out, we look outside and see this car speeding. The dude swerves away from getting into an accident and he ends up crashing into a light pole. Door came flying off and all the metal and glass. Drunk driver killed himself


We never did goto the yard just because cops were everywhere


Not really bombing related, but over the summer I crashed at this party and the next day, some house a couple blocks away just blew up. We were in the basement and we heard a boom and everything started shaking. Scary shit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Firstly, funny thread. Although I notice a lot of the stories are the same "crack heads, bums police" etc.. maybe its the states.


Here are one or two, varied times ago some more recent. And ones that stuck with me not just general late night shit you could see doing most things late..


The Dissapearing Japanese Kid: The scene is set in a neighbourhood where you dont walk unless your from there. Thats where one yard sits right in between two estates you dont walk in.. Long time ago returning from missions, the smell of paint on metal drying in the air, the sensation of paint spatter sticking agianst your cig and the feeling of a memory card under your shoe sole. Me and two others are walking down a long road lit up no problem in seeing anything, we see this kid cycling up the road very slowly but he has this custom chopper style bike, massive baggy trousers and these head-phones over his ears with these little blue LED lights shining. Its 4.20 and he is cruising like he is in a world of his own looking well laid back, but he is going up a road that leads nowhere and with no exits. Anyway all we can think is man that guy looks cool as we turn to each other, he is now behind us. We look back: Gone. No sign of him, we cannot believe whats happened to the point we stash cans and check under every car and bin on this road. Nothing.. Who the fuck was this kid and how did 3 of us imagine something so random together..


The Night Of 12 Swords: Round this way you get the Iranian's fighting the Alrgerian's amongst others. Big meet ups, proper business they are going to paradise so killing a rival means nothing in this life. On tracks having to duck for an engine going back in, notice some head lights coming from an old car park other side of track fence. When I look, there are 2 cars on opposite sides. Blood all over the floor, everywhere, one car is empty the other has 3 guys sat in it looking fucked/tired covered in blood and the fourth guy is walking around the car park picking up hands and putting them into a bag. I counted 5 hands he collected I can only imagine the other car of lads came off worse and went home handless..


I cant type anything more up, lots of variations of sex on the street and other crime. I think the most rewarding stories are also the other writers and missons you encounter. Nuff times in Y with other heads up to the same thing. You either band together and take it on or you fight and no one paints. Shame I cant tell you others stories! Much better than mine! including a certian GSD member running around yard with a cattle-prod and a security guards getting his eye torn out on the fence cut, mate had a photo of that.. fuck.

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